Welcome to the Journey Like a Genius Backend repository! This project provides the API that supports the "Journey Like a Genius" application, enabling users to save a travel itinerary based on their preferences.
The "Journey Like a Genius" backend is built using Ruby on Rails. This API handles saving users itineraries generated by the frontend. The backend communicates with the frontend to ensure seamless interaction and personalized user experiences.
- Data Storage: The backend integrates with a database to manage and retrieve user data and historical suggestions.
- Responsive & Scalable: The API is designed to handle multiple requests efficiently, providing quick responses to the frontend.
To get a local copy of the backend project up and running, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Crosswolfv1/journey_like_a_genius.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd journey_like_a_genius
- install dependencies:
bundle install
- Start Rails server:
rails s
This will run the backend server locally. Make sure the frontend is pointing to the correct local API endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:3000). The backend API will now be available for testing and development.
Developers for this project: