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mpirun -n 7 ./main.exe
Referred for topology.png to understand how the node is created in main.cpp
Node 0 is reserved for starting the algorithm. Node 0 need to have every participating neighbore included in it neightbore vector. So set std::vector neighbore0 {1,2,3,..with all neightbore};
In the current topology there are 6 nodes (node 1-6) participating in the tree election, plus node 0 is 7 nodes.
That's why main will check and fail if size!=7 (mpirun -n 7 ./main.exe), this value need to be change according both inside main.cpp and "mpirun -n size", if the tree topology changes.
https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/condition_variable https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/thread https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/c-core-guidelines-taking-care-of-your-child-thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL8wkskDlbs&list=PL5jc9xFGsL8E12so1wlMS0r0hTQoJL74M&index=1 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19463602/compiling-multithread-code-with-g