.net client for Typesense.
You can get the NuGet package here.
Feel free to make issues or create pull requests if you find any bugs or there are missing features.
Setup in service collection so it can be dependency injected. The AddTypesenseClient
can be found in the Typesense.Setup
namespace. Remember to change the settings to match your Typesense service. Right now you can specify multiple nodes, but the implementation has not been completed yet, so if you want to use this for multiple nodes, then put a load balancer in front of your services and point the settings to your load balancer.
If you are using externally hosted Typesense, like Typesense Cloud, it is recommended to enable HTTP compression to lower response times and reduce traffic.
var provider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddTypesenseClient(config =>
config.ApiKey = "mysecretapikey";
config.Nodes = new List<Node>
new Node("localhost", "8108", "http")
}, enableHttpCompression: false).BuildServiceProvider();
After that you can get it from the provider
instance or dependency inject it.
var typesenseClient = provider.GetService<ITypesenseClient>();
When you create the collection, you can specify each field with name
, type
and if it should be a facet
, an optional
or an indexed
var schema = new Schema(
new List<Field>
new Field("id", FieldType.Int32, false),
new Field("houseNumber", FieldType.Int32, false),
new Field("accessAddress", FieldType.String, false, true),
new Field("metadataNotes", FieldType.String, false, true, false),
var createCollectionResult = await typesenseClient.CreateCollection(schema);
The example uses camelCase
by default for field names, but you override this on the document you want to insert. Below is an example using snake_case
public class Address
public string Id { get; set; }
public int HouseNumber { get; set; }
public string AccessAddress { get; set; }
public string MetadataNotes { get; set; }
Update existing collection.
var updateSchema = new UpdateSchema(new List<UpdateSchemaField>
// Example deleting existing field.
new UpdateSchemaField("metadataNotes", drop: true),
// Example adding a new field.
new UpdateSchemaField("city", FieldType.String, facet: false, optional: true)
var updateCollectionResponse = await typesenseClient.UpdateCollection("Addresses", updateSchema);
var address = new Address
Id = 1,
HouseNumber = 2,
AccessAddress = "Smedgade 25B"
var createDocumentResult = await typesenseClient.CreateDocument<Address>("Addresses", address);
var address = new Address
Id = 1,
HouseNumber = 2,
AccessAddress = "Smedgade 25B"
var upsertResult = await typesenseClient.UpsertDocument<Address>("Addresses", address);
var query = new SearchParameters("Smed", "accessAddress");
var searchResult = await typesenseClient.Search<Address>("Addresses", query);
var query = new GroupedSearchParameters("Stark", "company_name", "country");
var response = await _client.SearchGrouped<Company>("companies", query);
Multi search goes from one query to four, if you need more than that please open an issue and I'll implement more.
Example of using a single query in multi-search.
var query = new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Stark", "company_name");
var response = await _client.MultiSearch<Company>(queryOne);
Example of using a two queries in multi-search.
var queryOne = new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Stark", "company_name");
var queryTwo = new MultiSearchParameters("employees", "Kenny", "person_name");
var (r1, r2) = await _client.MultiSearch<Company, Employee>(queryOne, queryTwo);
Example of using a three queries in multi-search (you get the pattern currently it goes up to four.).
var queryOne = new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Stark", "company_name");
var queryTwo = new MultiSearchParameters("employees", "Kenny", "person_name");
var queryThree = new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Awesome Corp.", "company_name");
var (r1, r2, r3) = await _client.MultiSearch<Company, Employee, Company>(queryOne, queryTwo, queryThree);
Typesense supports the ability to add embeddings generated by your Machine Learning models to each document, and then doing a nearest-neighbor search on them. This lets you build features like similarity search, recommendations, semantic search, visual search, etc. Here is an example of how to create a vector schema, a vector document, and perform a multi search using a vector as a query parameter.
const string COLLECTION_NAME = "address_vector_search";
var schema = new Schema(
new List<Field>
new Field("vec", FieldType.FloatArray, 4)
_ = await _client.CreateCollection(schema);
await _client.CreateDocument(
new AddressVectorSearch()
Id = "0",
Vec = new float[] { 0.04F, 0.234F, 0.113F, 0.001F }
var query = new MultiSearchParameters(COLLECTION_NAME, "*")
// vec:([0.96826, 0.94, 0.39557, 0.306488], k:100)
VectorQuery = new(
vector: new float[] { 0.96826F, 0.94F, 0.39557F, 0.306488F },
k: 100)
var response = await _client.MultiSearch<AddressVectorSearch>(query);
var retrievedDocument = await typesenseClient.RetrieveDocument<Address>("Addresses", "1");
var address = new Address
Id = 1,
HouseNumber = 2,
AccessAddress = "Smedgade 25B"
var updateDocumentResult = await typesenseClient.UpdateDocument<Address>("Addresses", "1", address);
var deleteResult = await typesenseClient.DeleteDocument<Address>("Addresses", "1");
var updateResult = await typesenseClient.UpdateDocuments("Addresses", "houseNumber:=2", { "accessAddress": "Smedgade 25C" });
var deleteResult = await typesenseClient.DeleteDocuments("Addresses", "houseNumber:>=3", 100);
var deleteCollectionResult = await typesenseClient.DeleteCollection("Addresses");
The default batch size is 40
The default ImportType is Create
You can pick between three different import types Create
, Upsert
, Update
The returned values are a list of ImportResponse
that contains a success code
, error
and the failed document
as a string representation.
var importDocumentResults = await typesenseClient.ImportDocuments<Address>("Addresses", addresses, 40, ImportType.Create);
var addresses = await typesenseClient.ExportDocuments<Address>("Addresses");
is optional.
is optional.
var apiKey = new Key(
"Example key one",
new[] { "*" },
new[] { "*" });
var createdKey = await typesenseClient.CreateKey(apiKey);
var retrievedKey = await typesenseClient.RetrieveKey(0);
var keys = await typesenseClient.ListKeys();
var deletedKey = await typesenseClient.DeleteKey(0);
var scopedSearchKey = typesenseClient.GenerateScopedSearchKey("MainOrParentAPIKey", "{\"filter_by\":\"accessible_to_user_ids:2\"}");
While Typesense makes it really easy and intuitive to deliver great search results, sometimes you might want to promote certain documents over others. Or, you might want to exclude certain documents from a query's result set.
Using overrides, you can include or exclude specific documents for a given query.
var searchOverride = new SearchOverride(new List<Include> { new Include("2", 1) }, new Rule("Sul", "exact"));
var upsertSearchOverrideResponse = await typesenseClient.UpsertSearchOverride("Addresses", "addresses-override", searchOverride);
var listSearchOverrides = await typesenseClient.ListSearchOverrides("Addresses");
var retrieveSearchOverride = await typesenseClient.RetrieveSearchOverride("Addresses", "addresses-override");
var deletedSearchOverrideResult = await typesenseClient.DeleteSearchOverride("Addresses", "addresses-override");
An alias is a virtual collection name that points to a real collection. Read more here.
var upsertCollectionAlias = await typesenseClient.UpsertCollectionAlias("Address_Alias", new CollectionAlias("Addresses"));
var listCollectionAliases = await typesenseClient.ListCollectionAliases();
var retrieveCollectionAlias = await typesenseClient.RetrieveCollectionAlias("Address_Alias");
var deleteCollectionAlias = await typesenseClient.DeleteCollectionAlias("Addresses_Alias");
The synonyms feature allows you to define search terms that should be considered equivalent. For eg: when you define a synonym for sneaker as shoe, searching for sneaker will now return all records with the word shoe in them, in addition to records with the word sneaker. Read more here.
var upsertSynonym = await typesenseClient.UpsertSynonym("Addresses", "Address_Synonym", new SynonymSchema(new List<string> { "Sultan", "Soltan", "Softan" }));
var retrieveSynonym = await typesenseClient.RetrieveSynonym("Addresses", "Address_Synonym");
var listSynonyms = await typesenseClient.ListSynonyms("Addresses");
var deleteSynonym = await typesenseClient.DeleteSynonym("Addresses", "Address_Synonym");
Get current RAM, CPU, Disk & Network usage metrics.
var metrics = await typesenseClient.RetrieveMetrics();
Get stats about API endpoints.
var stats = await typesenseClient.RetrieveStats();
Get stats about API endpoints.
var health = await typesenseClient.RetrieveHealth();
Asynchronously initiates a snapshot operation on the Typesense server.
var snapshotResponse = await typesenseClient.CreateSnapshot("/my_snapshot_path");
Asynchronously initiates the running of a compaction of the underlying RocksDB database.
var diskCompactionResponse = await typesenseClient.CompactDisk();
Typesense API exceptions in the Typesense-api-errors spec.
Type | Description |
TypesenseApiException |
Base exception type for Typesense api exceptions. |
TypesenseApiBadRequestException |
Bad Request - The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. |
TypesenseApiUnauthorizedException |
Unauthorized - Your API key is wrong. |
TypesenseApiNotFoundException |
Not Found - The requested resource is not found. |
TypesenseApiConflictException |
Conflict - When a resource already exists. |
TypesenseApiUnprocessableEntityException |
Unprocessable Entity - Request is well-formed, but cannot be processed. |
TypesenseApiServiceUnavailableException |
Service Unavailable - We’re temporarily offline. Please try again later. |
Running all tests.
dotnet test
dotnet test --filter Category=Unit
dotnet test --filter Category=Integration
To run integration tests, you can execute Typesense in a docker container by using the command below. The process utilizes the /tmp/data
folder however, if you prefer to place it in a different directory, you can modify the path accordingly.
docker run -p 8108:8108 -v/tmp/data:/data typesense/typesense:28.0 --data-dir /data --api-key=key