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Vetle444 edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 4 revisions

We have added a ContentPage that derives from MAUI's implementation of ContentPage. Currently its main purpose is to set color on the background, title and foreground of the page. Additionally, it also sets the HideSoftInputOnTapped to default true.

Follow this link to enable our custom HideSoftInputOnTapped implementation on Android.


Additionally, we have made an extension to the ContentPage, to make it easier to use SaveView. It replaces the content of the page with a SaveView, when something is to be saved.


In this example, the Label will be replaced with a SaveView when the IsSaving property is true.

<dui:ContentSavePage xmlns=""
                     IsSavingCompleted="{Binding IsChecked}"
                     IsSaving="{Binding IsProgressing}"
                     SavingCompletedCommand="{Binding CompletedCommand}"

    <dui:Label Text="Hello" />

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