App for comparing and organizing backpacking backpacking gear, or any gear! Uses database to help the user organize, sort, and plan gear.
- C#_
- Entity Framework Core
- SyncFusion Interactive Chart Library
This application was a collaborative project as part of Epicodus coursework in C# and .NET. The application was created to demonstrate ability to use the Entity Framework Core and MySQL databases with many-to-many relationships; it also uses ASP.NET Core MVC to handle routing and requests and uses Entity FrameWork Core to communicate to a MySql database using .NET objects. The website itself displays items, categories, and users and lists their details. All categories and items are listed on the home page; the items view is formatted using a table that can be sorted by property. The users view includes a chart created using SyncFusion Interactive Chart Library and a table that calculates the total weight of all items assigned to that user.
- clone this repo to your desktop
- navigate to project directory in your terminal
- you may want to include a .gitignore file in your root directory
- in your .gitignore file you can include the appsettings.json file that you will need to create in the next step
- navigate to "GearObsession" directory (production directory)
- create a new file called appsettings.json
- the following code should go in the appsettings.json file:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=[DATABASE-NAME];uid=[USERNAME];pwd={PASSWORD};"
- within the appsettings.json file, you will need to replace
with the name of the database,[USERNAME]
with your username, and[PASSWORD]
with your password
MIT License
Copyright (c) 3/14/23 Dani Steely