Hi there! 📯
I am Darius Afchar, researcher at @Deezer working on machine learning interpretability, music recommender systems and AI-generated music detection.
📚 Please find the repositories associated with my published papers below:
- "AI-Generated Music Detection and its Challenges" D. Afchar, G. Meseguer-Brocal, R. Hennequin - ICASSP 2025
- "Of Spiky SVDs and Music Recommendation" D. Afchar, R. Hennequin, V. Guigue - RecSys 2023
- "Learning Unsupervised Hierarchies of Audio Concepts" D. Afchar, R. Hennequin, V. Guigue - ISMIR 2022
- "Towards Rigorous Interpretations: ..." D. Afchar, R. Hennequin, V. Guigue - ICML 2021
- "Making Neural Networks Interpretable with Attribution: ..." D. Afchar, R. Hennequin - RecSys 2020
- "Mesonet: a compact facial video forgery detection network" D. Afchar, V. Nozick - WIFS 2018
Don't know what to watch on Netflix tonight? Instead, why not read my PhD manuscript?