- 👨💻 All Listed Projects are available at https://www.youtube.com/c/priyangbhatt
End-To-End Machine Learning Projects are:
- Addition of Two Numbers Using Machine Learning
- Health Insurance Cost Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Bank Customer Churn Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Graduate Admission Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Pizza Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Wine Quality Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Car Purchase Amount Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Mushroom Classification Using Machine Learning
- Customer Segmentation using K-Means Clustering
- Crime Rate Prediction using Facebook Prophet (Time Series Forecasting)
- Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning
- Loan Status Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Car Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Campus Placement Prediction Using Machine Learning
- SONAR Rock Vs. Mine Prediction Using Batch,Online Learning, Model and Instance based learning
- Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones
- Bigmart Sales Predicton Using Machine Learning
📝 I regularly write articles on End-to-End Machine Learning Projects & Data Anlystics Using Python
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning using Python,Android
📫 How to reach me [email protected]