Welcome to my version of the University of Ghana computer Science department website. I basically created a branch named newest-branch and did my work there. Mainly a task and project assigned by the department, it also serves as an eye-opening experience. The website aims at displaying the computer science department to the world, so that others will be able to love and cherish the department. It provides information on the department and answers very important questions likely to be raised by others not in the department. Prospective students can also use this as a guide in registering into one of the best departments in the school.
Before cloning, you must ensure that you have git and VS Code fully installed and running on your machine. Now follow these steps to clone:
- On your github repository, copy the https
- In your VS code terminal, enter the following command git clone Ensure you follow the command with the https that you copied. Then click Enter.
- Navigate to the project directory next using this command cd Followed by your repository name
- You are then good to go. You can create a branch though if you like.
- Frequently add, commit and push to your github with the following commands
To add - git add .
To commit - git commit -m "(description)"
To push - git push origin (name of branch) 6. Your code is good then on Github.
Throughout this project, I have gained valuable insights into web designing. Some notable takeaways include:
- I got improved proficiency in HTML and CSS.
- I enhanced my understanding of tags, syling and responsiveness.
- I overcame challenges such as adjusting sizes to fit space, creating buttons and mainly about the responsiveness.
I have learnt in summary that although difficult, web designing is a very interesting and productive part of computer science.
A rich experience indeed.
Thank you for exploring my Computer Science department website. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated! Please enjoy the website, and before I forget...
Happy coding!