This is a demo of a simple client-side application that leverages the Google Maps JavaScript API to give a user the ability to search for locations of a given business within a specified radius.
Sample location data for the demo is a list of Chipotle restaurants with addresses, latitude and longitude information, and dummy phone numbers.
To set up a list of any locations you want, simply format the list as an array of objects with these properties:
name: "Chipotle Boston Street",
lat: 39.2818348,
lng: -76.5837981,
address: "2400 Boston St",
city: "Baltimore",
state: "MD",
zip: "21224",
phone: "(555) 555-5555",
- Create a form in your HTML document to capture user data
- Edit the element IDs in createSearchableMap.js to reflect the fields in your form
- Save your desired list of locations, formatted as an Array of objects, as allLocations.js
- Get your own Google Maps API key, insert, and go! Visit to create an account and activate the Maps and Geocoding APIs and generate credentials. They are free and basically unlimited (up to 40,000 calls per month for Geocoding).
- Add "settings" object to streamline future deployments