SpicyDice is a high-performance betting game server that enables real-time dice gambling through WebSocket connections. Built with Go, it features:
- Real-time Gameplay: Instant bet placement and results via WebSocket
- Session Management: Secure single-session system per player
- Persistent Storage: PostgreSQL-backed transaction history
- Clean Architecture: Maintainable and testable codebase
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Make (optional)
# Build and start entire application
make up
# Start in background (detached mode)
make up-d
# Stop application
make down
# Restart application
make restart
# Restart application cleaning the volume
make restart-v
# Build and start services
docker-compose up --build
# Start in background
docker-compose up --build -d
# View running containers
make ps
# View all logs
make logs
# View server logs
make logs-server
# View database logs
make logs-db
# View running containers
docker-compose ps
# View logs
docker-compose logs
# Stop and remove all services
docker-compose down
- Web Application:
- Database:
- Username: postgres
- Password: p4ssw0rd
# Remove containers, networks, and images
make clean
Note: Credentials are for development. Modify for production use.
"type": "string",
"payload": {}
"type": "wallet",
"payload": {
"client_id": 1
"client_id": 1,
"balance": 100.00
"type": "play",
"payload": {
"client_id": 1,
"bet_amount": 10.00,
"bet_type": "even" // "even" or "odd"
"dice_result": 4,
"won": true,
"balance": 90.00
"type": "endplay",
"payload": {
"client_id": 1
"client_id": 1,
- Bet amounts: Min $1.00, Max $1,000.00
- Win multiplier: 2x
- Single active session per player
- 6-sided dice
- Even/Odd betting only
- Insufficient funds
- Invalid bet amount
- Active session conflicts
- User not found
- Invalid message types
- Clean Architecture pattern
- Services layer for game logic
- Repository layer for data persistence
- PostgreSQL for data storage
The project includes basic test coverage as a proof of concept, demonstrating:
- Unit testing methodologies
- Integration testing patterns
- Golang table driven testing practices
For production deployment, additional testing would be required:
- Increase test coverage
- More in depth security testing
- Load and stress testing
- Current implementation uses integer Client IDs
- Production should implement UUIDs to prevent ID spoofing
- Session management should be enhanced with proper authentication
- Production environment should separate game_session table into:
- game_play: Individual play records
- game_session: Session management
- Implement comprehensive transaction logging
- Double-entry bookkeeping for financial transactions
- Audit trail for all gaming activities
The current implementation provides:
- Basic WebSocket server with concurrent connections
- Session management for multiple users
Production enhancements should include:
- Enhanced state management in WebSocket messages
- Robust connection handling
- Rate limiting
- Advanced error recovery
- Comprehensive load testing
Basic CI/CD pipeline is implemented using GitHub Actions to demonstrate:
- Automated testing
- Build processes
- Deployment workflows