- 🔭 I'm currently a secondary school student
STT | Project's name | Github Link | Genre | Live server | Status |
1 | Attack On Titan Wiki | Here | Website | Live Server | Finished |
2 | Aviation Wiki | Here | Website | Live Server | Finished |
4 | MasterEdu All In One Leaning and Management | Here | Application | None | Delayed |
4 | Tài liệu C++ Chinh phục mọi kỳ thi | Here | Document | None | Finished |
5 | Tài liệu Python Chinh phục mọi kỳ thi | Here | Document | None | On Working ~ 30/04/2025 |
6 | E-Banking | Here | Website | soon | On working - ~28/02/2025 |
7 | ViET - Vietnam E-Learning Tutoring Platform | Here | Website | Soon | Finished |
8 | Hyperion Sort | Here | Algorithm | None | Update 'till the end of the world |
🎆 Front End / 🎇 Backend / 🌌 Application Developer / 🤖 Machine Learning
👨💻 All of my projects are available at DinhPhongNe
🤷♀️ My leetcode profile
🤷♀️ My HackerRank profile