A proof of concept on using GraphQL in .NET Core. This repository consists of a Frontend (Reactjs) and a Backend (.NET Core with GraphQL.NET)
The project showcases how Query, Mutation and Subscription can be carried out in GraphQL.
Write up on the details can found here at Codefee Time
It is a Reactjs project using the Apollo Client package.
To quickly start up and work with the project,
- Navigate into /Demo.Client/demo-client-react
- Run NPM command "npm install", followed by "npm run start"
It is a .NET Core WebAPI project running on .NET Core 2.2, using GraphQL.NET package for setting up the GraphQL Server.
To quickly start up and work with the project,
- Make sure that .NET Core 2.2 SDK is installed on your machine
- Navigate into /Demo.Server
- Open up the solution file (.sln) using Visual Studio
- Hit the Debug button in Visual Studio IDE, or simply press F5
- For Subscription to work, you need to have a machine/server that supports WebSocket to host the Backend portion (GraphQL.NET)
- E.g. Windows 8 and above is required for local Windows machine.