OpenFL extension for "Google AdMob" on iOS and Android. This extension allows you to easily integrate Google AdMob on your OpenFL (or HaxeFlixel) game / application.
###Main Features
- Banners & Interstitial Support.
- Setup your banners to be on top or on the bottom of the screen.
- Allows you to specify min amount of time between interstitial displays (to avoid annoying your users).
- Allows you to specify min amount of calls to interstitial before it actually gets displayed (to avoid annoying your users).
###Simple use Example
// This example show a simple use case.
import extension.admob.AdMob;
import extension.admob.GravityMode;
class MainClass {
function new() {
// first of all, decide if you want to display testing ads by calling enableTestingAds() method.
// Note that if you decide to call enableTestingAds(), you must do that before calling INIT methods.
// then call init with Android and iOS banner IDs in the main method.
// parameters are (bannerId:String, interstitialId:String, gravityMode:GravityMode).
// if you don't have the bannerId and interstitialId, go to www.google.com/ads/admob to create them.
AdMob.initAndroid("ca-app-pub-XXXXX123456","ca-app-pub-XXXXX123457", GravityMode.BOTTOM); // may also be GravityMode.TOP
AdMob.initIOS("ca-app-pub-XXXXX123458","ca-app-pub-XXXXX123459", GravityMode.BOTTOM); // may also be GravityMode.TOP
// NOTE: If your game allows screen rotation, you should call AdMob.onResize(); when rotation happens.
function gameOver() {
// some implementation
/* NOTE:
showInterstitial function has two parameters you can use to control how often you want to display the interstitial ad.
public static function showInterstitial(minInterval:Int=60, minCallsBeforeDisplay:Int=0);
* The banner will not show if it was displayed less than "minInterval" seconds ago.
* The banner will show only after "#minCallsBeforeDisplay" calls to showInterstitial function.
- To display an interstitial after every time the game finishes, call:
- To avoid displaying the interstitial if the game was too short (60 seconds), call:
- To display an interstitial every 3 finished games call:
- To display an interstitial every 3 finished games (but never before 120 secs since last display), call:
AdMob.showInterstitial(120,3); */
function mainMenu() {
// some implementation
AdMob.showBanner(); // this will show the AdMob banner.
function beginGame() {
// some implementation
AdMob.hideBanner(); // if you don't want the banner to be on screen while playing... call AdMob.hideBanner();
###How to Install
To install this library, you can simply get the library from haxelib like this:
haxelib install extension-admob
Also, you'll need to download the google-play-services_lib and android-support-v4 from your Android SDK Manager. To do that, you need to execute the android tool from:
Then select Google Play Services and Android Support Library under the "Extras" section.
Once this is done, you just need to add this to your project.xml
<haxelib name="extension-admob" />
Google is a registered trademark of Google Inc. http://unibrander.com/united-states/140279US/google.html
AdMob is a registrered trademark of Google Inc. http://unibrander.com/united-states/479956US/admob.html
The MIT License (MIT) - LICENSE.md
Copyright © 2013 SempaiGames (http://www.sempaigames.com)
Author: Federico Bricker