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The API document for COVID19 API from Dropper Lab.

Contents Table

I. Authentication

All the APIs we provide are available in the HTTPS-based REST API.

Any platform or application developed in any language can be requested and used, and APIKey data is provided by the HTTP header for user authentication.

Value Properties for Authentication

method attribute data type essential detail
HTTP Header APIKey string Yes Unique key for user identification

II. Korean Local Patient Count

API address : GET

API detail : Provides the number of COVID19 patients in Korea.

Value Properties for Fequest

attribute data type essential detail
locale string Yes City name

Supported Area

value detail
synthesize The whole region
busan Busan Metropolitan City
chungbuk Chungcheongbuk-do Province
chungnam Chungcheongnam-do Province
daegu Daegu Metropolitan City
daejeon Daejeon Metropolitan City
gangwon Gangwon Metropolitan City
gwangju Gwangju Metropolitan City
gyeongbuk Gyeongsangbuk-do Province
gyeonggi Gyeonggi-do Province
gyeongnam Gyeongsangnam-do Province
incheon Incheon Metropolitan City
jeju Jeju Special Self-Governing Island
jeonbuk Jeollabuk-do Province
jeonnam Jeollanam-do Province
sejong Sejong Special Self-Governing City
seoul Seoul Metropolitan City
ulsan Ulsan Metropolitan City
quarantine Quarantine Station

Return Field

attribute data type detail
timestamp int When the data was collected
announced_timestamp int When the data was released
increased int Number of increased patients
increased_foreign int Number of increased patients brought in from abroad
increased_local int Number of increased locally infected patients
certified int Number of confirmed patients
isolated int Number of isolated patients
deisolated int Number of unisolated patients
dead int Number of dead patients
percentage float Infection rate

Return Example

        "message":"Successfully loaded 1 rows."
        "message":"Successfully loaded 1 rows."

III. International Patient Count

API address : GET

API detail : Provides the number of international COVID19 patients.

Value Properties for Request

attribute data type essential detail
nation string Yes Country name

Supported Country

value detail
synthesize The whole region
etc Etc.
lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho
comoros Comoros
sainttomeprincipe Saint Tome Principe
southsudan South Sudan
sierraleone Sierra Leone
burundi Burundi
botswana Botswana
marley Marley
guineabissau Guinea Bissau
mozambique Mozambique
uganda Uganda
eritrea Eritrea
angola Angola
madagascar Madagascar
zimbabwe Zimbabwe
capeverde Capeverde
somalia Somalia
niger Niger
chad Chad
zambia Zambia
gambia Gambia
mauritius Mauritius
djibouti Djibouti
tanzania tanzania
liberia Liberia
benin Benin
seychelles Seychelles
rwanda Rwanda
mauritania Mauritania
eswatini Eswatini
guinea Guinea
congo Congo
centralafricanrepublic Central African Republic
namibia Namibia
kenya Kenya
guineaecuatorial Guinea Ecuatorial
ghana Ghana
gabon Gabon
ethiopia Ethiopia
sudan Sudan
ivorycoast Ivory Coast
drcongo DR Congo
burkinafaso Burkina Faso
republiquetogolaise République Togolaise
republicofsouthafrica Republic of South Africa
cameroon Cameroon
senegal Senegal
nigeria Nigeria
papuanewguinea Papua New Guinea
fiji Fiji
newzealand New Zealand
australia Australia
kosovo Kosovo
montenegro Montenegro
turkey Turkey
cyprus Cyprus
albania Albania
moldova Moldova
malta Malta
bulgaria Bulgaria
slovakia Slovakia
serbia Serbia
liechtenstein Liechtenstein
slovenija Slovenija
bosnaihercegovina Bosna Hercegovina
hungary Hungary
ukraine Ukraine
poland Poland
andora Andora
latvia Latvia
portugal Portugal
czecho Czecho
ireland Ireland
armenia Armenia
luxembourg Luxembourg
monaco Monaco
iceland Iceland
azerbaijan Azerbaijan
sanmarino San Marino
lithuania Lithuania
belarus Belarus
nederlands Nederlands
romania Romania
norway Norway
macedonia Macedonia
greece Greece
georgia Georgia
eesti Eesti
danmark Danmark
belgium Belgium
swiss Swiss
sweden Sweden
finland Finland
croatia Croatia
austria Austria
spain Spain
england England
france France
germany Germany
italiana Italiana
saintkittsandnevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
dominicanfederation Dominican Federation
belize Belize
grenada Grenada
haiti Haiti
nicaragua Nicaragua
barbados Barbados
elsalvador El Salvador
bahamas Bahamas
guatemala Guatemala
suriname Suriname
saintlucia Saint Lucia
uruguay Uruguay
trinidadandtobago Trinidad and Tobago
antiguaandbarbuda Antigua and Barbuda
venezuela Venezuela
guyana Guyana
cuba Cuba
stvincentandthegrenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
honduras Honduras
jamaica Jamaica
bolivia Bolivia
panama Panama
paraguay Paraguay
costarica Costa Rica
peru Peru
columbia Columbia
chile Chile
argentina Argentina
dominican Dominican
ecuador Ecuador
mexico Mexico
brasil Brasil
canada Canada
usa USA
yemen Yemen
libya Libya
syria Syria
morocco Morocco
saudiarabia Saudi Arabia
tunisia Tunisia
jordan Jordan
qatar Qatar
algeria Algeria
egypt Egypt
israel Israel
lebanon Lebanon
oman Oman
iraq Iraq
uae UAE
bahrain Bahrain
kuwait Kuwait
iran Iran
laos Laos
tajikistan Tajikistan
myanmar Myanmar
easttimor East Timor
kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
uzbekistan Uzbekistan
kazakhstan Kazakhstan
mongolia Mongolia
brunei Brunei
bangladesh Bangladesh
maldives Maldives
bhutan Bhutan
indonesia Indonesia
pakistan Pakistan
afghanistan Afghanistan
srilanka Srilanka
russia Russia
nepal Nepal
cambodia Cambodia
philippines Philippines
india India
vietnam Vietnam
malaysia Malaysia
thailand Thailand
singapura Singapura
japan Japan
macau Macau
taiwan Taiwan
hongkong Hongkong
china China

Return Field

attribute data type detail
timestamp int When the data was collected
increased int Number of increased patients
certified int Number of confirmed patients
dead int Number of dead patients

Return Example

    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Successfully loaded 1 rows."
    "data": [
            "announced_timestamp": 1015632000,
            "timestamp": 1583766004,
            "certified": 57,
            "dead": 0
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Successfully loaded 1 rows."
    "data": [
            "announced_timestamp": 1015632000,
            "timestamp": 1583766004,
            "certified": 80735,
            "dead": 3119