Tool for edit GDUs and Fonts for ZX Spectrum 48K/128K. With this editor you can create custom UDGs and fonts.
The editor can handle files with the following extensions:
: (User Defined Graphics) It's an array of 168 bytes (21 characters x 8 lines each one) with the raw definition of this UDGs..gdu
: From the spanish "Graficos Definidos por el Usuario", it's the same than.udg
: Personalized font. And array of 768 bytes (96 characters x 8 lines each one) width the raw definition of the alternate charset.
In addition to allowing editing of these file types, data can be exported in .tap
format for loading from an emulator (thanks to the export routine that has been developed by Hash6iron) or .bas
, a format specifically designed for use in ZX Boriel Basic.
We are working on expanding functionalities and we would like to hear your opinion.
- Create a new empty file with the extenson .gdu, .udg or .fnt
- Open the new file with VSCode
- Select what type of data you want to create: GDU/UDG or Font
- Edit the graphics characters
- Export in your desired format
- Twitter: @Duefectu
- Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub:
Projects for ZX Spectrum
: info
: A game for ZX Spectrum Next
Idea, test and development
: Duefectu (@Duefectu - [email protected])TAP export routine
: Hash6iron (@hash6iron - [email protected])Invert option
: dinodork ( ZX Basic
: Donate
- © 2022 DuefectuCorp
MIT License
- Added button to move (not rotate) actual graphic
- Added button to invert actual graphic. Original implementation by @dinodork
- Added button to create Mask from the actual graphic (first version, isn't perfect)
- Added char number, in fonts, or GDU number to the patterns window.
- Added zoom level, now: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64
- Added sample usage as REM in BORIEL export files, ASM and DIM
- Fixed a bug in the array bounds definition in BORIEL DIM export
- How to start section updated
- Removed restriction on pair grouping of patterns when using shift options
- Restored minumun version of VSCode to 1.65.0
- Added mirror buttons
- Added rotation buttons
- Added shift buttons
- Minimum version set to 1.50.0 or newer
- Hash6iron mail fixed in file
- Open new empty files now offers to load default data
- Renamed option for export "Boriel" to "Boriel ASM"
- Added option for export to "Boriel DIM" format
- Initial version