(This code is used for training purposes only. This was created to practice using Mongoose and MongoDB to perform CRUD operations using Node.js and Express.)
To install dependencies, run the following:
npm install
// initialize npm
npm init
// install dependencies
npm i express dotenv morgan mongoose mongodb
// install dev dependencies
npm i -D nodemon jest
- Install nodemon for auto-restarting the server on file changes during development.
- install jest for testing API endpoints
- install express to create the web server and API routes.
- install dotenv to store and load environment variables from .env file.
- install morgan for logging HTTP requests
- install mongoose as ORM for MongoDB and to define schemas/models
- install mongodb as the MongoDB driver and connect to the database
Make sure package.json has the following scripts
"scripts": {
"test":"jest --coverage",
"start": "node server.js",
"dev": "nodemon server.js"
- Use
jest --coverage
to run tests with coverage reportnpm run test
ornpm test
- Change "test" to
jest --watchAll
for auto-retesting on file changes - To run in dev mode:
npm run dev
- This will use nodemon to auto restart server on file changes
- If you want to restart the server every time it stops on errors, run
npm start
- node_modules (for obvious reasons)
- .env (you may want to add this to avoid committing private info if you store mongodb uri here)
- packagelock.json
- coverage file if you use
jest --coverage
for testing
The goal of this API is to perform basic CRUD operations for states and governors data stored in a MongoDB database.
Other services used
- MongoDB Atlas for cloud hosted MongoDB database
- MongoDB Compass for GUI to view database
- Postman for testing API endpoints and CRUD operations
- Cody by Sourcegraph because he's my companion now and his smile makes me weak.