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This template displays a list of all recent changes to the wiki as highlighted below:
Displays the Wiki's Special Recent Changes page.
In addition to the variables in the Wiki Page template, the Special Recent Changes template has:
{gmt_last_updated format=""}
This displays the GMT time of the most recent wiki update.
The format parameter is used to determine the date's formatting using ExpressionEngine's Date Variable Formatting.
{last_updated format=""}
Displays the localized time (for user) of the most recent wiki update.
The format parameter is used to determine the date's formatting using ExpressionEngine's Date Variable Formatting.
The language format being used.
The Special Recent Changes template has the {wiki:recent_changes} tag available which is used for displaying a list of recent wiki changes and updates. The tag has Parameters and variables available to it.
{wiki:recent_changes limit=""}
This determines how many recent changes are displays. For example, this::
{wiki:recent_changes limit="20"}
Would limit the number of changes displayed to the 20 most recent changes.
{wiki:recent_changes paginate=""}
The Wiki module uses the same pagination syntax as all first-party modules. Please look at the [/templates/pagination` documentation for more information.
Running "count" of the displayed file, taking pagination into consideration.
Displays the fully rendered article. HTML characters will be rendered.
Displays the Screen Name of the revision's author.
Displays the raw content of an article.
"count" of the article currently being displayed
This displays the email address of the revision's author.
{gmt_revision_date format=""}
This displays the GMT time of the most recent article revision.
The format parameter is used to determine the date's formatting using ExpressionEngine's Date Variable Formatting.
This is used to get the page's unique ID. This is used for identifying purposes in RSS/Atom Feeds.
Displays a URL to view the article.
{revision_date format=""}
This displays the time of the most recent article revision.
The format parameter is used to determine the date's formatting using ExpressionEngine's Date Variable Formatting.
Displays the revision's unique ID number.
This displays the revision's notes (if any).
This variable permits you to rotate through any number of values as the recent changes are displayed. The first article will use "option_one", the second will use "option_two", the third "option_three", the fourth "option_one", and so on.
Multiple instances of the {switch=} tag may be used and the system will intelligently keep track of each one.
Displays the article/page's Title.
This displays the author's URL.