The UG Computer Science department website is a modified version of the current CS dpartment website of the University of Ghana. The website's purpose is to help students easily access information pertaining to the Computer Science department. PARTS OF THE WEBSITE AND THEIR FUNCTIONS
HEADER: The header of the website contains the logo of the University and the department name. It has menus that help users navigate to the other pages of the website. The website consists of 10 pages (home,about us,academics,admission,research,student resources,contact us,facaulty and staff,news & events and the student complaint form page.)with 5 visible in the menu of the header,three available as drop-down menus under academics and the home page is accessible by clicking the logo in the header on any page.The student complaint form page link can be found on the footer of all pages.
FOOTER: The footer of the website contains the Logo of the University and links to the social media pages of the University. Information can also be found on how to locate the Computer Science department on the University campus and if directions are not clear enough tyhe user can tap on the information provided and will be redirected to a map that leads to the department. Also contacts and the email address of the department has been provided in the footer and when clicked on can send you directly to the mail to contact them or an app to be able to call or message them. Brief information on Academics has also been provided.
BODY: The body of each page provides accurate information according to what their respective page titles are.
- Click the repository's main page on
- Click <> Code, located above the list of files.
- Copy the URL for the repository, under HTTPS.
- Open Git Bash on your laptop.
- Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
- Type git clone and paste the url that was copied earlier.
git clone:
- Press Enter to create your local clone.
- Open the folder 11348827_DCIT_205_IA.
- Open home.html file in the browser to access the home page.
Integrated Web Technologies: - A unified and feature-rich computer science department website was created by applying HTML for content organization, CSS for responsive design, and JavaScript for dynamic interactivity.
Adaptability and Problem-solving - Acquired problem-solving abilities via challenges, adjusting to new specifications and guaranteeing the best possible user experience by utilizing form validation and responsive design principles.
Version Control and Collaboration: - Git was implemented to provide version control, facilitate organized project development, facilitate simple collaboration, and show a dedication to web development best practices.