Welcome! This README will walk you through everything you need to know about my Ecommerce-API. Let’s keep it simple, clear, and straight to the point. 🎯
🛠️ Tech Stack Here’s what’s powering the backend:
.NET 8
ASP.NET Core – For building RESTful APIs.
Entity Framework Core – Handling all the database interactions.
SQL Server – Our trusty database.
AutoMapper – For mapping between objects (because who likes manual mapping, right?).
Stripe API – For handling secure payments.
📂 Project Structure
Here’s a quick breakdown of how things are organized:
Controllers/ – This is where all the API endpoints live. Think of them as the traffic cops directing requests.
Services/ – Business logic goes here. It’s where we make decisions and handle the heavy lifting.
Repositories/ – Responsible for talking to the database.
Models/ – The data structures. These represent things like users, products, orders, etc.
DTOs/ – Data Transfer Objects. These help shape the data that gets sent between the client and the server.
🌟 Key Features
- Authentication & Authorization 🔐
We’re using ASP.NET Identity to manage user accounts and roles. Users can sign up, log in, and have different permissions based on their roles (e.g., Admin, Customer).
- Product Management 🛒
CRUD operations for products. Admins can add, update, delete, and retrieve products. Customers can view them.
- Shopping Cart & Orders 🛍️
Customers can add items to their carts and place orders. The cart is linked to the user, either from the API (if logged in) or local storage for guest users.
- Payment Integration 💳
We’ve integrated Stripe for secure payments. When a user places an order, a payment intent is created, and we handle everything from payment confirmation to order updates.
- Reviews & Ratings ⭐
Users can leave reviews for products. We calculate average ratings and total reviews dynamically.
🔧 Configuration
Make sure you have the following settings in your appsettings.json: { "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Your SQL Server connection string here" }, "Stripe": { "SecretKey": "Your-Stripe-Secret-Key", "PublishableKey": "Your-Stripe-Publishable-Key" } }
🐞 Handling Errors & Exceptions
We’ve got global exception handling in place. If something goes wrong, a friendly error response will be sent back with relevant details (without exposing sensitive data).
💡 Future Improvements
Here’s what’s on the radar for future updates:
Adding unit tests to cover more scenarios.
Enhancing logging for better debugging and monitoring.
Implementing caching for frequently accessed data to improve performance.
Thanks for checking out the project! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have ideas or improvements. Let’s build something great together! ✨