- Place the library inside your project, in this case test_rust_prefix_to_postfix. Then add rust_prefix_to_postfix = {path = "rust_prefix_to_postfix to the dependencies like below
name = "test_rust_prefix_to_postfix"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
rust_prefix_to_postfix = {path = "https://github.com/EmberCraze/rust_prefix_to_postfix.git"}
- Use call the trait in the library and add a new infix operation
use rust_prefix_to_postfix::Operation;
fn main() {
let op_info_r = rust_prefix_to_postfix::OperationInfo::new(&"122+((2^2)*3-1)-(2^2)+2-sqrt(5*7+3)".to_string());
if op_info_r.is_ok() {
let mut op_info = op_info_r.unwrap();
match op_info.reverse_polish_parsing() {
Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),
Ok(_) => (),
println!("{:?}", op_info.infix);
println!("{:?}", op_info.reverse_pn);