This repository contains the Monte Carlo Simulaton model and the Discrete Event Simulaton model.
The results from experiments conducted in the thesis can be found under the data folder.
To operate the program, ensure the following directory structure is in place:
- Emergency-Optimizers
- Data-Processing
- Simulator
serves as the root folder for both the Data-Processing repository and the Simulator repository.
You are required to have the enhanced OUH incident dataset as well as the depots CSV file under the Data-Processing repository.
- Install dependencies: CMake 3.27.7 and C++17 (MSVC)
- Change directory
cd build
- Prepare cmake
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Build program
cmake --build .
- Run program
To run allcmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . && bin/Debug/Simulator.exe