In this course we will cover topics from scratch to advanced.There will be at least 60-70 Videos. We will work on projects and job preparation also.Course will be available on Youtube. Language of This Course will be Hindi but will try to post in english also in english Series.
- Javascript Important Topics
- React DOM
- React Components
- React Component Life Cycle
- Create First Product
- React Native Folder Structure
- React Native Components
- React Native Custom Components
- React Native Responsive UI
- Industry Level Folder Structure
- React Hooks
- React Navigation
- Local Storage ( Async Storage & SQLite)
- API Integration ( Rest APi + GraphQL )
- Pagination Concept
- Media (Image,Video & Audio)
- Permissions
- Fonts,Svg and Icons
- Form Validations With Formik and Yup
- Animations (Reanimated,Lottie and Mottie)
- Redux Toolkit
- Native Modules
- Payment Gateways (Stripe + Razorpay)
- React Native Firebase
- React Native Maps
- React Native CI/CD
- React Native Background Services
- Testing with Jest and Detox
- Other Advanced Topics Like Security and Performance Optimization
- Publish Google Play and AppStore
- Projects