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TS is invented and is being implemented to control types.

How to use TS

If YS was installed globaly, you can compile ts file to js file by running the following command:

tsc <filename>.ts

Basic types:

  • string;
  • number;
  • boolean.

Combined types

let userId: string | number = "abc1";

Array types

Array of strings

let hobbies: Array<string>;
hobbies = ["Sports", "Cooking", "Reading"];

Function types

function add(a: number, b: number): void {
	// void for a function with no return value
	const result = a + b;

function add2(a: number, b: number): number {
	// and here we return number
	const result = a + b;
	return result;

Callback types

function calculate(a: number, b: number, calcFn: (a: number, b: number) => number) {
	calcFn(a, b);

calculate(2, 5, add2); //call it with add2 function

Custom types

type StringOrNumber = string | number;
let userId: StringOrNumber = "abc1";
userId = 123;
type User = {
	name: string;
	age: number;
	isAdmin: boolean;
	id: StringOrNumber;
let user: User;


Usially is used to define object types.

interface Credentials {
	user: string;
	pass: string;

It's easelly extendeble (declaration merging). Other devs can extend your interface for their projects.

interface Credentials {
	user: string;
	password: string;
	email: string;
let creds: Credentials;
interface Credentials {
	mode: string;

Useful for projects where classes are used.

class AuthCredentials implements Credentials {
	user: string;
	password: string;
	email: string;
function login(credentials: Credentials) {}

Merging types

We can combine several types into one.

type Admin = {
	permissions: string[];
type AppUser = {
	userName: string;
type AppAdmin = Admin & AppUser;

Merge interfaces

interface Admin {
	permissions: string[];
interface AppUser {
	userName: string;
interface AppAdmin extends Admin, AppUser {}

Literal types

let role: "admin" | "user" | "editor"; //'admin' or 'user', 'editor'
role = "admin";
role = "user";
role = "editor";
//role = "abc"; // error

Type guards

type Role = "admin" | "user" | "editor";

function performAction(action: string | number, role: Role) {
	if (role === "admin" && typeof action === "string") {
		// do something

When using "Type Guards" (i.e., if statements that check which concrete type is being used), TypeScript performs so-called "Type Narrowing".

function combine(a: number | string, b: number | string) {
	if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") {
		return a + b;
	return `${a} ${b}`;

Inside if statement TS narrows a and to numbers only. You can NOT check if a value meets the definition of a custom type (type alias) or interface type. Becouse a custom type does not exist once the code is compiled to JavaScript.

Geberic type feature

Build in generics

let roles: Array<Role>;
roles = ["admin", "user", "editor"];

Custom generics

//T is a common placeholder for the type
type DataStorage<T> = {
	storage: T[];
	add: (data: T) => void;

//replacing T with string
const textStorage: DataStorage<string> = {
	storage: [],
	add(data) {;

Generic functions

function merge<T, U>(a: T, b: U) {
	return {
const newUser = merge<{ name: string }, { age: number }>({ name: "Max" }, { age: 30 });


npm create vite@latest <project name>
<chose react and TS>
cd <project name>
npm i
npm run dev

Components and props

import { type FC } from "react";
type CourseGoalProps = PropsWithChildren<{ title: string }>;
const CourseGoal: FC<CourseGoalProps> = ({ title, children }) => {
	return (

export default CourseGoal;

Or this one:

import { type ReactNode } from "react";

type HeaderProps = {
	image: {
		src: string;
		alt: string;
	children: ReactNode;

export default function Header({ image, children }: HeaderProps) {
	return (
			<img {...image} />

The last one will work with App.tsx:

import Header from "./components/Header.tsx";
import goalsImg from "./assets/goals.jpg";

<Header image={{ src: goalsImg, alt: "A list of goals" }}>
	<h1>Your course goals</h1>


import { useState } from "react";
import CourseGoal from "./components/CourseGoal.tsx";

type CourseGoal = {
	title: string;
	description: string;
	id: number;

export default function App() {
	const [goals, setGoals] = useState<CourseGoal[]>([]);
	function handleAddGoal() {
		setGoals((prevGoals) => {
			const newGoal: CourseGoal = {
				id: Math.random(),
				title: "Learn React, step 1",
				description: "Learn the first steps in React TS",
			return [...prevGoals, newGoal];

	return (
			<button onClick={handleAddGoal}>Add Goal</button>
				{ => (
					<li key={}>
						<CourseGoal title={goal.title}>