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How to release a new version

Stephen James edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 45 revisions

##How to release

Update dependencies to latest version and test build process:

  1. Write release notes (see below). github_changelog_generator --no-author --unreleased-only --compare-link

  2. Update GitHub issue tracker for release. Use clear, obvious language for pull request titles. Modify if necessary.

    • Create a milestone in GitHub for the next version.
    • Bump any open tickets to the next version.
    • Mark the current release milestone as closed.
  3. By default grunt release will bump the version as a bugfix (x.x.x+1). Add --minor to bump to the next minor release. git checkout master && git pull origin master && git checkout 1.x && git pull origin 1.x && git merge master && grunt release (or --minor)

    • Checkout master
    • Pull master branch from origin
    • Checkout 1.x (stable branch)
    • Pull 1.x branch from origin
    • Merge local master into local 1.x
    • Updates the package.json, bower.json, and markdown files with the version. This will build the dist folder.
  4. git add dist bower.json package.json && git commit -m 'release x.x.x' && git tag -a x.x.x -m 'vx.x.x'

    • Add modified release files.
    • Commit with version number
    • Add version tag
    • Check dist files visually to make sure comment banners have correct release version listed, and that *.min files are minified as expected.
  5. Push to origin git push origin 1.x.

  6. git push origin x.x.x && git push origin 1.x:master && git checkout master && git pull origin master

    • Publish tag to Github. The tag commit should exist in the major.x branch.
    • Push 1.x to master if nothing new has been merged in
    • Return to starting place locally
  7. Upload contents of dist folder to Fuel CDN server via SFTP: mv dist x.x.x && scp -i ~/.ssh/fuelcdn -r x.x.x/ [user@domain]:/[id]/fuelux-mctheme/ && mv x.x.x dist

    • [id] = number in folder variable in FUEL_CDN.yml file
    • [user = value of user variable in FUEL_CDN.yml file
    • domain] = value of server variable in FUEL_CDN.yml file
  8. Run npm publish using the fuelux profile.

  9. Announce

  • Tweet via @FuelUX account

##Release Notes Write Github release notes for the tag, using this template:

  • Pull Requests within milestone

(and anything important about this release)

New Features and improvements

(#ticketnumber and a human-readable description of the pull request, usually the pull request title. If the ticket title doesn't make sense, either edit the ticket directly, or provide an alternative title here. Be sure to include the name of the controls modified at the end in brackets.)

#700 - deselected and selected events added [tree] 

Bug Fixes

Upgrade Notes

(anything special that needs to be called out)