Releases: F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation
- Features added:
- Cloud formation templates for BYOL now support AWS Bahrain region
- Introduced optimizations for sync cluster creation and termination
- Bugs fixed:
- Fixed an issue that prevented BIG-IQ from connecting to BIG-IP while using AWS Auto Scaling
- Fixed a sync issue for Autoscale templates that caused onboard fails
- Fixed an issue that cause UCS Backup failure
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
- For all templates, when licensing is done with BIG-IQ, the tenant field on the BIG-IQ side will be populated with hostname and BIG-IP private mgmt ip address using JSON format. For example:
{ "hostname": "", "mgmtAddress": "<private_mgmt_ip>"} - Corrected an issue that occurred that caused a 'passphrase decryption failure' when new master joins an autoscale cluster.
- Documentation updates:
- Added more information, including examples, to parameters descriptions in the README and YAML files.
- Updated AWS BYOL standalone and failover templates to support AWS China regions.
- Added support for BIG-IP VE 15.0.1.
- Cloud-Libs updates:
- Enabled retry logic for TMSH command execution to mitigate a problem where the TMSH command fails due to MCP un-availability.
- Added validation for the generated UCS file.
- Updated condition (define timeout value) for triggering master re-election for the autoscale solution. This corrects an issue where the master host is stuck at BECOMING_MASTER state.
- Added a wait check to ensure iControl is up/running.
- Documentation updates:
- Added Troubleshooting section to main README.
- Added Known Issues section to main README.
This maintenance release contained the following changes:
- Consolidated autoscale templates
- Documentation only updates:
- Added an architecture diagram and made minor updates to the AWS Quickstart guide
- Corrected the parameters matrix within the AWS README files
- Updated Troubleshooting steps
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
- All templates have been updated to use the latest versions of f5-cloud-libs and f5-cloud-libs-aws.
- Added a new parameter to existing-stack templates to control the deployment of public IP addresses. As a result, Standalone and HA production stack templates are now deprecated.
In addition to minor enhancements and fixes, this release contains the following:
- Added support for BIG-IP v14.1. For a list of new features and fixes in 14.1, see the Release Notes on AskF5.
- F5 Standalone and Failover CFTs now use 100GB volume sizes to ensure the BIG-IP has sufficient resources.
- Added support for the following AWS Instance Types:
- 5n.2xlarge (for all templates except nNIC).
- C5n.4xlarge
- F5 Standalone and Failover CFTs now use 100GB volume sizes to ensure the BIG-IP has sufficient resources.
- All templates now reference an updated version of F5’s cloud libraries (f5-cloud-libs 4.8.3).
- Added support for 10Gbps of throughput on BIG-IP pay-as-you-go (PAYG) templates .
- Modified the name of the traffic group for failover templates in the same AZ. The new name is same_az_failover_group.
- Expanded the description of the timezone parameter and included a link for Olsen timezone examples.
- Corrected the Autoscale WAF via-lb and via-dns templates using BIG-IQ to use the correct image names.
- All the templates support the Stockholm (eu-north-1) region.
Released on 5/7/19
This maintenance release contained the following changes:
- Corrected an issue where BIG-IP VEs using licensing from BIG-IQ were unable to get a license when the BIG-IQ device was running 6.0.1.
- Documentation only updates:
- Corrected the experimental BIG-IQ cluster 2-NIC README file to remove a reference to automatic failover (GitHub issue #64)
- Corrected Launch Stack button links for Autoscale WAF w/ELB, Autoscale WAF w/NLB, and BIG-IQ LTM Autoscale (GitHub issue #69)
- Clarified subnet guidance in the prerequisites for templates using 2 or more NICs to note that the subnet for the external network requires a route and access to the Internet for onboarding BIG-IP.
Released on 4/9/19
This maintenance release contains the following:
Update for experimental BIG-IQ license manager standalone template
This experimental template now has a parameter to specify S3 ARN of the BIG-IQ password JSON file which specifies master-key, admin password, and root password to be used during deployment. This added feature allows the master key to be known and can be used to cluster additional BIG-IQ devices at a later time.
- Updates to the F5 Cloud libraries used by all templates
All of our AWS CFT templates now use an updated version of F5 cloud libraries, which contains enhancements and fixes and enhancements.
Released on 3/7/19