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KikeyJS is an easy-to-use shortcut library designed for simple event handling, supporting key sequences and shortcut recording. For an interactive introduction, visit the KikeyJS homepage:


KikeyJS provides UMD and ES Module formats.

Option 1: Use UMD

<!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
      const kikey = Kikey.createKikey();

Option 2: Use ES Module

<!doctype html>
    <script type="module">
      import { createKikey } from "";
      const kikey = createKikey();

Option 3: Via npm or jsr

npm install kikey
deno add @cclan/kikey


KikeyJS provides a very simple API for key binding, event handling, and recording:

// Key registration
const notice = () => alert("You pressed Ctrl+S");
kikey.on("C-s", notice);
// Unregistration;

// Supports key sequences (chains)
kikey.on("A-l l f o r o n e", () => console.log("You pressed Alt+L → L → F → O → R → O → N → E"));

// Key sequence recording
// ...user presses key strokes...
// Stop recording and obtain the key binding sequence string for user customization
const sequence = kikey.stopRecord();



  Creates a KikeyJS object that listens for keypress and keyup events on the specified targetElement. If no element is provided, it defaults to document.

on(sequence: string, callback: function)

  Binds a key sequence to a specified callback function. When the sequence is pressed in the correct order, the callback function is triggered.

  • sequence: The key sequence, which can be a single key, a combination of keys with modifiers like Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Meta concatenated with a dash (-), or a series of key bindings separated by whitespace.
  • callback: The callback function, which does not receive any arguments.

on(sequence: string, onComplete: function, onComboChange: function(level))

  • onComplete: Fired when the entire sequence is pressed correctly.
  • onComboChange (optional): A callback function for a series of key bindings. When a keyboard event is fired, onComboChange notifies the client of the current combo of the key sequence. combo=0 indicates that the combo has been broken.

off(callback: function)

  Remove binding for certain callback function.

once(sequence: string, onComplete: function, onComboChange: function(level))

  A one-time version of on.

updateSequence(newSequence: string, callback: function)

  Update key sequence by callback.


  Enable kikey.


  Disable kikey.


  Destroy kikey instance, will remove all listeners.


  Start shortcut recording.


  Stop shortcut recording.

parseBinding(binding: string)

  Parse kikey-style key binding (e.g. C-a) and returns an object structured as follows:

    ctrlKey: true,
    shiftKey: false,
    altKey: false,
    metaKey: false,
    key: "a"

Suitable for the displaying the recorded shortcuts to users.


Original Key Notation
Ctrl C
Shift S
Alt A
Meta M

KikeyJS supports modifiers. Use a dash (-) to concatenate strokes to form a single key binding. For example, C and S-o are both key bindings, as is C-S-A-M-p.

Special Keys

Keys with a character length greater than 1 are classified as Special Keys. This includes space and dash, which are used as key sequence delimiters.

  • space
  • dash
  • arrowleft
  • arrowright
  • arrowup
  • arrowdown
  • backspace
  • enter
  • escape
  • capslock
  • tab
  • home
  • pageup
  • pagedown
  • end
  • f1
  • f2
  • f3
  • f4
  • f5
  • f6
  • f7
  • f8
  • f9
  • f10
  • f11
  • f12


An easy-to-use shortcut library







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