A study project for QDHS Chemistry students
Sorry for the temporary shutdown in July and August (We were not in school)
Topic D.2 Aspirin and Penicillin
Topic D.1 Pharmaceutical products and drug action
Topic 10.2 Functional Group Chemistry
Topic 11.3 Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds
Topic 3,4, and 10 QuestionBankVer.3 Practice Qs
【Including some from HL contents】
Topic 4 ExamStyle Questions
4.4_Intermolecular Force
Topic 3 and 4 Completed
The Chemistry SL study guide is developed by the students from 2020'
We may update HL contents if we've got extra time (and efforts)
Because of our scarce learning resources in the classes (u know), I decided to pack up some practice Qs before mid-term.
As time is limited for ver 1.0, the contents mainly came from IB Chemistry Syllabus and QuestionBank Ver3 and 4.
In consideration of the size of these files, they will be arranged in the form of folders.
*Some of the files might be modified and updated
Please come and join us!
It'll be accounted for a CAS Experience/Project. (!!!)
Contact Info: QQ/Wechat: 1362379735
Email: [email protected]
Editors:Fancy Mao,Anita Xiao
Credit by:
IB QuestionBank Ver.3 and Ver.4
IB Chemistry Syllabus Ver.2016
Pearson Baccalaureate Second Edition Ver.2014
PPTs from Chemistry Group
**Proibited for any commercial use