Releases: Financial-Times/x-dash
Releases · Financial-Times/x-dash
What's Changed
- ACQ-2084: remove refer a friend test from gift article by @ludrob in #692
- CON-2077, CON-2078: Adds alt text to image of video teaser by @camillecroci in #695
Full Changelog: v10.1.1...v10.1.2
What's Changed
- Bugfix: Gift Article Radio Buttons by @willhoward in #693
Full Changelog: v10.1.0...v10.1.1
Allow extra properties in x-interaction hydration
What's Changed
- CPP-1212 support passing additional properties in for hydration by @apaleslimghost in #691
Full Changelog: v10.0.0...v10.1.0
What's Changed
- feat: add new version of o-share to x-live-blog-post by @juanSanchezAlcala in #689
Full Changelog: v9.0.0...v10.0.0
Prevent cp-content-pipeline-ui circular dependency
What's Changed
- Prevent circular dependency with cp-content-pipeline-ui by @apaleslimghost in #688
Full Changelog: v8.2.5...v9.0.0
What's Changed
- docs: fix broken links in README and contribution guide by @jkerr321 in #686
- ENTST-139 Add Enterprise Sharing to FTR Articles by @willhoward in #684
Full Changelog: v8.2.3...v8.2.4
DAC Patch: Fix aria-label of buttons
What's Changed
- fix: improve x-engine server error message by @apaleslimghost in #682
- CON-2075, CON-2076: Refactor follow-button aria-label by @camillecroci in #683
- Update readme versions of node and npm to match package engines key by @IkeLutra in #665
New Contributors
- @camillecroci made their first contribution in #683
- @IkeLutra made their first contribution in #665
Full Changelog: v8.2.2...v8.2.3
What's Changed
- [CI-1362] show title in arial-label attribute for every share button by @AlbertoCuberoNavas in #681
Full Changelog: v8.2.1...v8.2.2