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This is a web app with a role-based authentication system. You can clone this repo and use it in your app-
- There are two different types of users: the user with the “admin” role can perform create, edit and delete operations, while the common user only has access to read data.
- I used Context API to determine the user roles.
- I used react-router to show or hide routes to certain users.
- I obtained information from this API
- The information obtained from the API is stored in the global state using Redux.
- With flexbox I ensured that it looks good on different types of devices: big screens🖥️, cell phones📱 and laptops💻.
- I used Material and Emotion CSS (similar to styled components).
- The visual elements were tested in several browsers.
- I ran prettier to make the code consistent throughout the application.
- /auth: where I stored all the components related to authentication
- /types: where I stored the types and interfaces
- /hooks: in this folder is the hook useAuth
- redux: folder dedicated to redux components: action and reducers
- /components: where I saved all the components, they are organized in subfolders according to the Atomic Design principles.
🚀 First, launch the development server:
npm install
npm run dev
💻 Then, you can open localhost:5173 with your browser to see the result.