Zip up the given directory or registry key to the specified folder, retain the specified number of backups, and do so on the given frequency via a scheduled task. This role doesn't transfer the zips off the host. This is assumed to be handled afterwards by another process. The simplest transfer would be to utilize a secondary drive as the target backup folder so the files are moved automatically when the zip is created.
For information about PTA and how to use it with this Ansible role please visit
Python37 must be installed.
- backup_local_win_name: The name for the backup. This must be unique on the host so there's no collision between jobs. Alphanumeric with underscores is recommended. No spaces.
- backup_local_win_target: The folder or registry key to zip up. Ensure there's no trailing slashes. Registry targets should begin with one of the following root keys: HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU, HKCC (see the KeyName parameter
- backup_local_win_destination: The folder in which the zip is to be placed. Ensure there's no trailing slashes.
- backup_local_win_retention_number: The number of backups to retain. 0 means infinite (no cleanup). Defaults to 10.
- backup_local_win_days_of_week: A comma separated list of the days of the week to run the job. Defaults to Mon-Fri.
- backup_local_win_time: The time of day to run the job. Uses a 24 based time (HH:MM:SS).
This performs a backup a folder, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 AM, retaining the 10 most recent backups.
- hosts: servers
backup_local_win_name: "App Config"
backup_local_win_target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\App\Config"
backup_local_win_destination: D:\backups
backup_local_win_time: "06:00:00"
backup_local_win_days_of_week: monday,wednesday,friday
- role: backup-local-win
This performs a backup a registry key, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 AM, retaining the 10 most recent backups.
- hosts: servers
backup_local_win_name: "Reg Config"
backup_local_win_target: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Python"
backup_local_win_destination: D:\backups
backup_local_win_time: "06:00:00"
backup_local_win_days_of_week: monday,wednesday,friday
- role: backup-local-win
Jeremy Cornett [email protected]