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[email protected]_py310: new formula
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Closes #520.

Signed-off-by: Chris <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
ipatch committed Jun 9, 2024
1 parent ff35908 commit 6f28aa3
Showing 1 changed file with 365 additions and 0 deletions.
365 changes: 365 additions & 0 deletions Formula/[email protected]_py310.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
class FreecadAT0212Py310 < Formula
desc "Parametric 3D modeler"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "ceaf77cd12e8ad533d1535cc27ae4ca2a6e80778502dc9cdec906415d674b674"
license "GPL-2.0-only"
head "", branch: "main", shallow: false

keg_only :versioned_formula

depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "freecad/freecad/[email protected]" => :build
depends_on "gcc" => :build
# epends_on "hdf5-mpi" => :build # requires fortran compiler
depends_on "hdf5" => :build # requires fortran compiler
depends_on "llvm" => :build if OS.linux?
depends_on "mesa" => :build if OS.linux?
depends_on "ninja" => :build if OS.linux?
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "[email protected]" => :build
depends_on "tbb" => :build
depends_on "boost"
depends_on "cython"
depends_on "doxygen"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/coin3d_py310"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/fc_bundle"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/med-file"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/[email protected]_py310"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/pybind11_py310"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/[email protected]_py310"
depends_on "freecad/freecad/[email protected]_py310"
depends_on "freetype"
depends_on "glew"
depends_on "icu4c"
depends_on macos: :high_sierra
depends_on "mesa-glu" if OS.linux? # no access to sierra test box
depends_on "openblas"
depends_on "opencascade"
depends_on "orocos-kdl"
# epends_on "freecad/freecad/[email protected]"
# TODO: is it possible to point qt@5 to a revision where py310 is being used
depends_on "qt@5"
depends_on "vtk"
depends_on "webp"
depends_on "xerces-c"
depends_on "zlib"

# NOTE: ipatch, ie. local patch `url "file:///#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Library/Taps/freecad/homebrew-freecad/patches/`
patch do
url ""
sha256 "99d115426cb3e8d7e5ab070e1d726e51eda181ac08768866c6e0fd68cda97f20"

patch do
url ""
sha256 "67794ebfcd70a160d379eeca7d2ef78d510057960d0eaa4e2e345acb7ae244aa"

patch do
url ""
sha256 "f27576bf167d6989536307dc9ac330a582a0bc3eb69b97c6b2563ea84e93f406"

patch do
url ""
sha256 "91efb51ab77ecf91244c69b0a858b16ec6238bb647cc0f767cbc6fa1791efbfa"

# patch for mojave with 10.15 SDK
# patch :p1 do
# url ""
# sha256 "ce9f4b2afb2c621274e74208a563616eeeee54369f295b6c5f6f4f3112923135"
# end

# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "83f033112845fde21c84f18bfa91609b18394dc9adb268c24aa8a1e5ec5aca85"
# end

# # newer versions of occ have removed offending header file
# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "e345d1ced6e46dd6d7cdaa136d32a8fe55eb54ccb01468f22fb425645e5a0585"
# end

# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "adb30f5d723672d1d54db4a236bce8a85e9bc9d0667ef88a7360e4cae1bb27c9"
# end

# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "2732f75d673df770754d838faec7f6cbbb86755cbef049b3b4932fa1e1bdd8d6"
# end

# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "6a74db4c5db876ecefd885514111a56c8cde462f95cf7d560c1b1e4baafaf642"
# end

# patch do
# url ""
# sha256 "9bd841ece3781acee3281b23443db47818a2935845163b16bf318e6e1e023209"
# end

def install

# NOTE: `which` cmd is not installed by default on some OSes
# ENV["PYTHON"] = which("python3.10")
ENV["PYTHON"] = Formula["[email protected]"].opt_bin/"python3.10"

# Get the Python includes directory without duplicates
py_inc_output = `python3.10-config --includes`
py_inc_dirs = py_inc_output.scan(/-I([^\s]+)/).flatten.uniq
py_inc_dir = py_inc_dirs.join(" ")

py_lib_path = if OS.mac?
`python3.10-config --configdir`.strip + "/libpython3.10.dylib"
`python3.10-config --configdir`.strip + "/libpython3.10.a"

puts "--------------------------------------------"
puts "PYTHON=#{ENV["PYTHON"]}"
puts "PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=#{py_inc_dir}"
puts "PYTHON_LIBRARY=#{py_lib_path}"

# NOTE: apple's clang & clang++ don not provide batteries for open-mpi
# NOTE: when setting the compilers to brews' llvm, set the cmake_ar linker as well
# ENV["CC"] = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"clang"
# ENV["CXX"] = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"clang++"

# NOTE: ipatch, attempt to nuke default cmake_prefix_path to prevent qt6 from sneaking in
ENV.delete("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH") # Clear existing paths
puts "--------------------------------------------"
puts "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH Datatype: #{ENV["CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"].class}"
puts "--------------------------------------------"
puts "homebrew prefix: #{hbp}"
puts "prefix: #{prefix}"
puts "rpath: #{rpath}"

ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["qt"].opt_prefix/"bin"
ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["pyqt"].opt_prefix/"bin"
puts "PATH=#{ENV["PATH"]}"
puts "--------------------------------------------"

cmake_prefix_paths = []
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["pybind11_py310"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["doxygen"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["xerces-c"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["zlib"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["opencascade"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["vtk"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["utf8cpp"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["glew"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["hdf5"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["libpng"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["pugixml"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["eigen"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["expat"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["double-conversion"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["lz4"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["xz"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["libjpeg-turbo"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["libtiff"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["medfile"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["pkg-config"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["boost"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["[email protected]"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["freetype"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["coin3d_py310"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["qt@5"].prefix
# cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["open-mpi"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["[email protected]_py310"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["[email protected]_py310"].prefix
# cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["llvm"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["tbb"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["icu4c"].prefix

if OS.linux?
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["mesa-glu"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["mesa"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["libx11"].prefix
cmake_prefix_paths << Formula["libxcb"].prefix

cmake_prefix_path_string = cmake_prefix_paths.join(";")

# Check if exists
apl_sdk = "/Applications/"
apl_frmwks ="#{apl_sdk}/System/Library/Frameworks"
cmake_ar = "/Applications/"
cmake_ld = "/Applications/"

apl_sdk = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk"
apl_frmwks = "#{apl_sdk}/System/Library/Frameworks"
cmake_ar = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ar"
cmake_ld = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/ld"

# TODO: stub out the below cmake vars
# -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=#{cmake_osx_sysroot}
# -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld"
# -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=#{prefix}/lib

if OS.mac?
args_macos_only = %W[

if OS.linux?
ninja_bin = Formula["ninja"].opt_bin/"ninja"
clang_cc = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"clang"
clang_cxx = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"clang++"
clang_ld = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"lld"
clang_ar = Formula["llvm"].opt_bin/"llvm-ar"
openglu_inc_dir = Formula["mesa"].opt_include

puts "----------------------------------------------------"
puts openglu_inc_dir
puts "----------------------------------------------------"

args_linux_only = %W[

args = %W[
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=#{hbp}/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.10


# NOTE: useful cmake debugging args
# --trace
# -L

ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["pyside@2"].opt_prefix/"bin"
ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["qt"].opt_prefix/"bin"
ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["pyqt"].opt_prefix/"bin"

ENV.remove "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", Formula["pyside@2"].opt_prefix/"lib/pkgconfig"
ENV.remove "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", Formula["qt"].opt_prefix/"lib/pkgconfig"

ENV.remove "CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH", Formula["qt"].opt_prefix/"Frameworks"

# TODO: ipatch, below cause audit exceptions, ie. `brew style freecad/freecad`
# ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["[email protected]"].opt_prefix/"bin"
# ENV.remove "PATH", Formula["[email protected]"].opt_prefix/"libexec/bin"
# ENV.remove "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", Formula["[email protected]"].opt_prefix/"lib/pkgconfig"

# NOTE: ipatch, do not make build dir a sub dir of the src dir
puts "current working directory: #{Dir.pwd}"
src_dir = Dir.pwd.to_s
parent_dir = File.expand_path("..", src_dir)
build_dir = "#{parent_dir}/build"
# Create the build directory if it doesn't exist
# Change the working directory to the build directory
# false positive: `warning: conflicting chdir during another chdir block`
puts "----------------------------------------------------"
puts Dir.pwd
puts "----------------------------------------------------"

if OS.mac?
system "cmake", *args, *args_macos_only, src_dir.to_s
system "cmake", *args, *args_linux_only, src_dir.to_s
system "cmake", "--build", build_dir.to_s
system "cmake", "--install", build_dir.to_s

# NOTE: reenable after successful build
# def post_install
# if OS.mac?
# ohai "the value of prefix = #{prefix}"
# ln "#{prefix}/MacOS/FreeCAD", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/freecad", force: true
# ln "#{prefix}/MacOS/FreeCADCmd", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/freecadcmd", force: true
# elsif OS.linux?
# ohai "the value of prefix = #{prefix}"
# ln "#{bin}/FreeCAD", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/freecad", force: true
# ln "#{bin}/FreeCADCmd", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/freecadcmd", force: true
# end
# end

def caveats
After installing FreeCAD you may want to do the following:
1. Due to recent code signing updates with Catalina and newer
building a bundle using the existing python
script no longer works due to updating the rpaths of the
copied executables and libraries into a
bundle. Until a fix or work around is made freecad
is built for CLI by default now.
2. if freecad launches with runtime errors a common fix
i use is to force link [email protected] and
[email protected] so workbenches such Draft and Arch
have the necessary runtime deps, see brew documenation
about force linking the above packages
4. upstream homebrew/core has begun to introduce python 3.11
with that said, testing the formula manually on my local
catalina box i ran into issues with regard to boost.
the quick fix, unlink python 3.11 and cmake is able to
finish its checks and the build process can begin

test do
# NOTE: make test more robust and accurate
system "true"

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