This repo contains a declarative, GitOps definition of my homelab.
In summary, the homelab is built up using:
- A mini PC, NAS and some UniFi network infrastructure
- Kubernetes, running on virtual Talos Linux nodes in Proxmox VE
- Flux CD reconciling cluster configuration from this git repo
- MetalLB & external-dns expose apps on separate IP addresses with associated DNS records
- ingress-nginx & cert-manager reverse proxy subdomain HTTP requests with auto-renewing Let's Encrypt certificates
- nfs-subdir-external-provisioner & synology-csi provide persistent storage on NAS
- kube-prometheus-stack provides detailed metrics
To follow this guide, you need the following:
One or more x86_64 hosts to run this on.
The nix package manager.
A GitHub personal access token with repo permissions. This is needed by Flux to read your (possibly private) repo and push some initial manifests. See the GitHub documentation on creating a personal access token.
A GPG key for encrypting & decrypting secrets with Mozilla SOPS. Follow this guide until
Store the key fingerprint as an environment variable
. -
NFS or iSCSI mounts on a NAS if any of your workloads need persistent storage.
A domain name if you want to provide access to certain cluster services from outside your home network.
Click here for more info on my DNS provider and router setup
Install Proxmox VE on your host(s). Optional but recommended: set up
updates repo -
Spin up any number of VM:s and install Talos Linux on each of them. My toy cluster (running on one physical machine only mind you) runs:
- One control plane node with 4 GB RAM
- Two worker nodes with 8 GB RAM each
NOTE: If you want iSCSI support, you need to apply the included
like so:talosctl gen config homelab-cluster https://$CONTROL_PLANE_IP:6443 --output-dir _out --config-patch @talos-machine-patch.yaml
NOTE: While installing, write down the following details into an .envrc file:
# IP address of your control plane node, printed to machine TTY in the `Start Control Plane Node` section. export CONTROL_PLANE_IP="" # Path to your talosconfig, created in the `Generate Machine Configurations` section. export TALOSCONFIG="_out/talosconfig" # Path to your kubeconfig, created in the `Retreive the kubeconfig` section. export KUBECONFIG="./kubeconfig" # Paste your GitHub personal access token from the prerequisites here export GITHUB_TOKEN="ghp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Write down your GitHub username here export GITHUB_USER="XXXXXXXXXX" # Paste your GPG key fingerprint from the prerequisites here export SOPS_PGP_FP="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 # Uncomment if using nix-direnv # use nix
After the installation:
- Enter the nix shell using
. - Source the .envrc file into your shell:
source .envrc
Verify that you can now run e.g.
kubectl get nodes -o wide
to list your nodes.Note that all following steps will assume your .envrc is sourced and necessary tools are installed (via entering the nix-shell or otherwise).
- Enter the nix shell using
If you are installing this for the first time, I suggest starting out with a clean slate and commenting out all apps and infrastructure manifests before proceeding. There's plenty of configuration and secrets that are specific to my setup, and it's maybe a bit much to take it all in at once.
You can add manifests back later one at a time after you've bootstrapped a minimal cluster setup with Flux CD.
Open up and edit the following files:
Comment out all resources except for
Comment out all resources except for
Contains configuration values that can be interpolated with
syntax into most other files.Change the following values:
: Set this toletsencrypt-staging
until you have your domain name / DNS / port forwards etc set up correctly. This is to avoid hitting Let's Encrypt's very strict rate limits.
Feel free to eventually add more configuration values here as needed.
Contains secret configuration values that can be interpolated with
syntax into most other files.Replace the entire file contents with:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: namespace: flux-system name: cluster-secrets type: Opaque stringData: # Domain name of the `podinfo` app ingress PODINFO_DOMAIN_NAME:
to some valid domain name of your choice.Now it's time to encrypt the file using Mozilla SOPS:
sops --encrypt --in-place clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml
If you want to make further changes to the file, run:
sops clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml
# Create flux-system namespace or below command will fail
kubectl create namespace flux-system
# Export the public and private keypair from your local GPG keyring and
# create a Kubernetes secret named sops-gpg in the flux-system namespace
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor "${SOPS_PGP_FP}" |
kubectl create secret generic sops-gpg \
--namespace=flux-system \
# Inject cluster secrets to circumvent dependency issue
sops --decrypt clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Bootstrap flux
flux bootstrap github --owner=${GITHUB_USER} --repository=homelab --personal --path=clusters/homelab
Commands to check the status of your cluster/reconciliation:
# Show status of your nodes kubectl get nodes -o wide # Show status of all your pods kubectl get pods -A # Show status of all flux resources flux get all -A # Follow logs from flux components flux logs --tail 20 -f # Get Kubernetes events with type=Warning kubectl get events -A --field-selector type=Warning
Flux CD troubleshooting guide:
Click here for more information on adding back various apps and infrastructure to your configuration.