A prect for scraping data from dynamic website using apache portlet
Created by: Gibran Mena
|- .gitignore # Customized .gitignore for python projects
|- config.ini # Configuration file
|- setup.py # Import project as a python module
|- Pipfile # Project dependencies
|- LICENSE # Project's license
|- README.md # Top-level README for this project
|- assets # Resources for the project
|- data # Categorized data files
| |- processed # Cleaned data
| |- raw # Original data
|- docs # Quarto files
|- notebooks # Jupyter notebooks
| |- 0.0-process.ipynb # Data processing (fixing column types, data cleansing, etc.)
| |- 1.0-analyze.ipynb # Exploratory data analysis
| |- 2.0-visualize.ipynb # Data visualization methods
|- outputs # Exports generated by notebooks
| |- tables # Generated pivot tables to analyze data
| |- figures # Generated graphics, maps, etc. to be used in reporting
|- project # Python package
| |- __init__.py
| |- data # Functions to manipulate data
| | |- load.py # Module to load data
| | |- process.py # Module to process data
| | |- analyze.py # Module to analyze data
| | |- export.py # Module to save exports
| | |- __init__.py
| |
| |- utils # Functions to make common patterns shorter and easier
| |- paths.py # Module to generate relative paths
| |- __init__.py
|- references # Explanatory materials
|- scripts # Python files
|- website # Quarto files
| |- pages # Multi-page website
| |- _quarto.yml # Project configuration file
| |- index.qmd # Home page
This project is released under GNU General Public License v3.
This repository was generated with cookiecutter.