A simple and practical Admin System based on SpringMVC、Spring、Hibernate and Bootstrap.
- Responsive sidebar navigation(left sidebar collapse to right-side push)(From codeply)
- Bootstrap collapsing submenu in dropdown(From bootply)
- Integrate CRUD using Java, Ajax, DataTables, jQuery and MySQL(From phpcodify)
- Asynchronous Loading of chart data(From ECharts3)
- Bootstrap Tree view implemented by Ajax and JDBC based on bootstrap-treeview(From bootstrap-treeview)
- Integrate datepicker using bootstrap-datepicker(From bootstrap-datepicker)
- Highlight code in web pages by loading the Prettify script(From code-prettify)
- Automatically update links in a navigation list based on scroll position(From w3schools)
- Eclipse Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
- Apache Tomcat Version: v8.0
- JRE Version: jdk1.8.0_111
- Spring Version: 4.2.5.RELEASE
- Hibernate Version: 4.3.11.Final
- Mysql Version: 5.1.39
- v3.bootcss
- Bootstrap Sidebar Responsive Examples
- Font Awesome(The iconic font and CSS toolkit)
- DataTables(Table plug-in for jQuery)
- ECharts3(A pure Javascript chart library)
- Bootstrap Tree View(A simple and elegant solution to displaying hierarchical tree structures)
- bootstrap-datepicker(A datepicker for twitter bootstrap)
- Code Prettifier(An embeddable script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier)
- Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin(Automatically update links in a navigation list)