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Detailed Dataset Submission Workflow

Jiaqi Ma edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Detailed Dataset Submission Workflow

Contribution Workflow

The workflow of contributing a new dataset is shown in the following figure. The workflow can be roughly divided into 4 steps:


Step 1: Convert Raw Data to Standard GLI Format

File Structure


At a high level, the GLI format consists of three types of files for each dataset, as shown in the figure above.

  • GLI Data Storage files: Any information in the dataset that is NOT specific to a task should be stored in these files. Examples include the graph structure and node/edge/graph attributes.
  • GLI Task Configuration files: Any information that is specific to a task should be stored in these files. Examples include the task type, data splits, information about which node attribute serves as the node label in a node classification, or number of classes.
  • GLI Auxiliary files:, LICENSE, data conversion script, etc.

Separate NumPy Binary Data Files

For both GLI Data Storage and GLI Task Configuration, we essentially store the data in the form as a nested dictionary of NumPy arrays, where the format of the dictionary keys are standardized. For example, GLI Data Storage, we can store the node attributes of all nodes as an array of size (num_nodes, attr_dim), and store the edge list as an array of size (num_edges, 2).

However, on the one hand, we cannot directly store the large data files in a GitHub repo; on the other hand, we want to utilize the GitHub Action and code review functionaliy to conduct automatic tests and peer-review on the submitted datasets.

To address this problem, we propose to first store the NumPy arrays in separate NumPy binary data files (.npz files), and then replace the NumPy arrays in the nested dictionary with pointers to the corresponding .npz files.

As a result, for GLI Data Storage, we will have a metadata.json file storing the nested dictionary, and multiple *.npz files storing the NumPy arrays. Similarly for GLI Task Configuration, we will have a task_<task_type>.json file for each task, and multiple *.npz files storing NumPy arrays such as data splits.

More detailed documentation about the concrete definition of the standard GLI format can be found in

Data Conversion

Concretely, one can follow the following procedure to complete the data conversion.

  1. Decide your dataset name, let's call it <name>.
  2. Construct the metadata.json and the associated *.npz files for the graph data by calling
  3. For each task in your dataset, construct the task_<task_type>.json and the associated *.npz files by calling<task_type>().
  4. Merge the code in 1 and 2 into a Jupyter Notebook <name>.ipynb or a Python script <name>.py.

Step 2: Upload NumPy Data Files to Cloud Storage

Please upload the .npz files obtained in the last step to our cloud storage by visiting this URL.

Step 3: Upload JSON and Auxiliary Files to GitHub


Please write a file for your dataset by filling in the blanks in templates/template/ Please also generate a suitable LICENSE file for your dataset.

Create Dataset Folder

Then you can create your dataset folder datasets/<name> in the GLI repository. You can refer to the tips on developing GLI about how to start developing in the GLI repository. Your folder should contain the following files.

β”œβ”€β”€ <name>.ipynb/<name>.py
β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE
β”œβ”€β”€ metadata.json
β”œβ”€β”€ task_<task_type>.json
└── ...  # There might be multiple task configurations.

where <name> is the dataset name and <task_type> is one of the given tasks defined in GLI Task Format.

  • <name>.ipynb/<name>.py: A Jupyter Notebook or Python script that converts the original dataset into standard GLI format.
  • A document that contains the necessary information about the dataset and task(s), including description, citation(s), available task(s), and extra required packages for <name>.ipynb/<name>.py.
  • LICENSE: The license associated to the dataset.
  • metadata.json: A json configuration file that stores the metadata of the graph dataset. See GLI Data Format.
  • task_<task_type>.json:A task configuration file that stores an available task on the given dataset. See GLI Task Format. Contributors can define multiple tasks on the same dataset. If there are multiple tasks with the same task type, use task_<task_type>_<id>.json to distinguish them, where <id> should be replaced by integers 1, 2, etc.

Local Test

You can run make pytest DATASET=<name> at the root of the repository to test your dataset implementation locally.

Open A Pull Request

Finally, please open a pull request to upload your new dataset folder to the GLI repository on GitHub.

Step 4: Test, Review, and Revise

Your pull request will be automatically tested by GitHub Actions and manually reviewed by the project maintainers or other peer researchers. Please follow the feedback from both sources to revise and improve the contributed dataset. Finally, the contributed dataset will be merged into the GLI repository after approval from peer-reviews.