This program only works for SWJTU-LEEDS joint school.
Based on Python, the project is for converting the curriculum in Excel format to the .ICS format that can be recognized by calendar apps on computers, mobile phones, and so on in order to automatically remind the students of the time, place and related content of the class by the calendar software.
'Pre' is the preprocessor of the imported Excel file.
'Main' is the main program.
'conf_classInfo.json' is the export file of the preprocessed file.
'conf_classTime.json' is the time of the class schedule.
'.xlsx' is the imported class timetable file.
'.ics' is the exported calendar file.
- #最后文件名为专业(ME、EE、CS、CE)+年级(Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4)+是否提前30分钟提醒(Y/N)+.ics。
- #国内服务器
CE: Y2-20190924 Y3-20190924 Y4-20190912 CS: Y2-20190925 Y3-20190825 Y4-20190826 EE: Y2-20190923 Y3-20190925 Y4-20190925 ME: Y2-20190925 Y3-20190925 Y4-20190925
#Just do it.