GHM.HTTPResult aims to type the HTTP result of your API service or others.
dotnet add package GHM.HttpResult
Package Manager
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This lib has been created to improve description of method returns called, and facilitating the casting of success and error cases
using GHM.HTTPResult;
public class UserService
public Ok<string> GetUserName(GetUserNameRequest request)
User user = _userRepo.GetUser(request.Id);
if(user is null)
return Error.NotFound($"not found user by id {request.Id}");
return user.Name
using GHM.HTTPResult;
public class UserController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult GetUser(int id)
Ok<User> result = _userService.GetUser(id);
return ConvertExempleTest(result);// you can create a Converter to change return from Result to Action automatically
public IActionResult GetUser(int id)
Ok<User> result = _userService.GetUser(id);
return result.Match(
(data) => Ok(data),
(errors) => BadRequest(errors)
);// using a match pattern
Type of HttpSuccess:
- Ok
- Created
- NoContent
public class Ok<TData> : Result<TData> { }
public class Ok : Result { }
public class Created<TData> : Result<TData> { }
public class Created : Result { }
public class NoContent<TData> : Result<TData> { }
public class NoContent : Result { }
It's just one type of error with different HttpStatusCode:
- NotFound
- Forbidden
- BadRequest
- Unauthorized
- Conflict
public class Error
public string Message { get; init; }
public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; init; }
private Error(string message, HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode)
Message = message;
StatusCode = httpStatusCode;
public static Error NotFound(string message) => new(message, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
public static Error Forbidden(string message) => new(message, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
public static Error BadRequest(string message) => new(message, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
public static Error Unauthorized(string message) => new(message, HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
public static Error Conflict(string message) => new(message, HttpStatusCode.Conflict);
It's just one type of validation with different ErrorHttpStatusCode or OkStatus:
- NotFound
- Forbidden
- BadRequest
- Unauthorized
- Conflict
public class ValidationResult
public ValidationResult(bool isError)
IsError = isError;
public bool IsError { get; init; }
public Result AsNotFound(string message) => IsError ? new(Error.NotFound(message)) : Result.Ok;
public Result AsForbidden(string message) => IsError ? new(Error.Forbidden(message)) : Result.Ok;
public Result AsBadRequest(string message) => IsError ? new(Error.BadRequest(message)) : Result.Ok;
public Result AsUnauthorized(string message) => IsError ? new(Error.Unauthorized(message)) : Result.Ok;
public Result AsConflict(string message) => IsError ? new(Error.Conflict(message)) : Result.Ok;
public Result AsError(Error error) => IsError ? new(error) : Result.Ok;
A class base for Ok, Created and NoContent classes.
has properties base as Errors, StatusCode and IsSuccess.
public class Result
protected readonly List<Error> _errors = new();
public IReadOnlyList<Error> Errors => _errors;
public bool IsValid => !_errors.Any();
public class Result<TData> : Result
public TData Data { get; init; } = default!;
if you enjoy, don't forget the ⭐ and install the package 😊.