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GHM.Validator is a nuget package aims to validate data.

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dotnet add package GHM.Validator

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NuGet\Install-Package GHM.Validator


To add transient interface IValidate to implementate Validate or IThrower to implementate Thrower , call extension method to your serviceCollection AddGhmValidator(). If you want to set a default exception for IThrower, pass a GhmValidatorConfigAction as a parameter.

using GHM.Validator.Extensions;

WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
IServiceCollection services = builder.Services;
services.AddGhmValidator(config =>
    config.ExceptionThrower = (string message) => new Exception(message);
// or


To validate request data

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IValidate validate)
    public Validation[] ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        return new Validation[]
            validate.IfNotNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null"),
            validate.IfNotZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0")

If error message is null, it will be passed a default message.

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IValidate validate)
    public Validation[] ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        return new Validation[]
            validate.IfNotNull(request.UserName), // Validated param: UserName. Value: null. ValidationName: IfNotNull
            validate.IfNotZero(request.UserAge)   // Error to validate param: UserAge. Value: 0. ValidationName: IfNotZero

You can set a errorType.

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IValidate validate)
    public Validation[] ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        return new Validation[]
            validate.IfNotNull(request.UserName).AsNotFound(), // validate.ErrorType = ErrorType.NotFound
            validate.IfNotZero(request.UserAge).AsFailure()   // validate.ErrorType = ErrorType.Failure

You can set a ErrorData.

using GHM.Validator;

public static class UserError
    public static Error NotFoundByName => Error.NotFound("User not found","User.NotFoundByName");
    public static Error InvalidAge => Error.AsFailure("Age must not be 0","User.InvalidAge");
public class UserValidator(IValidate validate)
    public Validation[] ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        return new Validation[]

Throw Exception from validation if it's invalid.

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IValidate validate)
    public Validation[] ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        ValidationList list = new
            validate.IfNotNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null"),
            validate.IfNotZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0")

        list.ThrowErrorsWithMessage(" | ") //throw new ValidationException("Name must not be null | Age must not be 0").
        return list;

To throw if request data is invalid

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IThrower thrower)
    public bool ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
        thrower.IfNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null");// if null, throw ArgumentException.
        thrower.IfZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0"); // if zero, throw ArgumentException.

        return true;

Setting a Exception.

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserValidator(IThrower thrower)
    public bool ValidateUserRequest(UserRequest request)
            .WithException((message) => new NameTestException(message))
            .IfNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null");

            .WithException((message) => new AgeTestException(message))
            .IfZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0");

        return true;



Validation is a object with properties(Message, IsValid).

using GHM.Validator;

Validation validationSuccess = Validation.Success("Successful message");

validationSuccess.Message; // "Successful message"
validationSuccess.IsValid; // true

Validation validationError = Validation.Error("Error message");

validationError.Message; // "Error message"
validationError.IsValid; // false


Result is a object to return a value and/or validations

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserService(IValidate validate)
    public Result<User> CreateUser(UserRequest request)
        ValidationList validations = new
            validate.IfNotNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null"),
            validate.IfNotZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0")

            return validations

        User user = _userRepository.Create(request);

        return new(validations, user); // Return all validations and value

Using the Match Method to execute a action on success or error condition.

using GHM.Validator;
public class UserService(IValidate validate)
    public IEnumerable<string> GetResultAsListOfString(UserRequest request)
        ValidationList validations = new
            validate.IfNotNull(request.Name,"Name must not be null"),
            validate.IfNotZero(request.Age,"Age must not be 0")

        Result<User> result = new(validations, user);
        return result.Match(
            (vals) => vals.Select(val => val.Message),
            (errors) => errors.Select(error => error.Message));



You can use it to return a validation result.

public interface IValidate
    Validation IfTrue(bool condition, string message = null);
    Validation IfFalse(bool condition, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotDefault<T>(T obj, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotNull(object? obj, string message = null);
    Validation IfNull(object? obj, string message = null);
    Validation IfEqual(object obj, object toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotZero(int number, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotZero(decimal number, string message = null);
    Validation IfGreaterOrEqual(int number, int toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfGreater(int number, int toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfGreaterOrEqual(decimal number, decimal toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfGreater(decimal number, decimal toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotEmpty(string text, string message = null);
    Validation IfParseToLong(string text, string message = null);
    Validation IfNotEmpty<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, string message = null);
    Validation IfOlder(DateTime date, DateTime toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfOlderOrEqual(DateTime date, DateTime toCompare, string message = null);
    Validation IfEmail(string email, string? message = null);


You can use it to throw exception.

public interface IThrower
    IThrower WithException(Func<string, Exception> exceptionThrower);
    bool IfFalse(bool condition, string message = null);
    bool IfTrue(bool condition, string message = null);
    bool IfDefault<T>(T obj, string message = null);
    bool IfNotNull(object? obj, string message = null);
    bool IfNull(object? obj, string message = null);
    bool IfNotEqual(object obj, object toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfZero(int number, string message = null);
    bool IfZero(decimal number, string message = null);
    bool IfGreaterOrEqual(int number, int toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfGreater(int number, int toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfGreaterOrEqual(decimal number, decimal toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfGreater(decimal number, decimal toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfEmpty(string text, string message = null);
    bool IfNotParseToLong(string text, string message = null);
    bool IfEmpty<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, string message = null);
    bool IfOlder(DateTime date, DateTime toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfOlderOrEqual(DateTime date, DateTime toCompare, string message = null);
    bool IfNotEmail(string email, string? message = null);


if you enjoy, don't forget the ⭐ and install the package 😊.


A Nuget package for validate data or throw exceptions







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