NOTE*** some python IDEs do not support speech_recognition module and the microsoft's SAPI5 so better to use Python IDLE if wish to update.
DANI is a voice assistant that runs on Python 3.8. A sub AI project that just takes the decision based on the voice input of the users. It mostly automates the use of browser i.e. Google Chorme
- describe - eg-- ( DANI describe Yourself)
- time - eg-- ( DANI What's the time)
- Wikipedia - eg-- ( Search MS Dhoni on Wikipedia)
- open youtube - eg-- ( DANI please open youtube for me)
- open google - eg-- ( DANI please open google for me)
- new tab - eg-- ( DANI please open New Tab for me)
- open (open sites) - eg-- ( Dani please open stackoverflow)
- close/exit (exits browser) - eg-- ( DANI close he browser)
- search (search on google/youtube) - eg-- ( for youtube** search bahubali songs )
For triggering Browser
For inside Browser
git clone
for downloading liablities..
pip install -r requirements.txt
I have used selenium for automation of the web browser. please download the suitable chrome Drivers and create path in windows.
and here you go...
Pull Requests are always welcome. Just take care to add comments.