Under active maintenance
If you see no commit information for a long time, it proves that the package is stable and don’t worry that the repository has been abandoned.
A simple, fast, asynchronous, customizable display, highlight all lines with the same commit information, view of git blame in Emacs.
emsg-blame is a minor mode for Emacs that displays Git blame information in the Emacs message area. This package provides detailed information about the last commit that affected the current line, including the author, date, and summary of the commit. It supports multiple languages for time descriptions and allows customization of how and when the blame information is displayed.
- Only Emacs dependence, This package is very commonly used.
There are many more ways to display it.
To install emsg-blame , place the following in your Emacs configuration file (.emacs or init.el):
;; Example configuration.
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/emsg-blame")
(require 'emsg-blame)
(setq emsg-blame-background t)
(defun my--emsg-blame-display ()
(message " 👽%s 📅%s 🗨️%s" emsg-blame--commit-author emsg-blame--commit-date emsg-blame--commit-summary))
(setq emsg-blame-display #'my--emsg-blame-display)
(defun my--emsg-blame-display ()
(posframe-show "*emgs-blame-posframe*"
:string (format " 👽%s\n 📅%s\n 🗨️%s " emsg-blame--commit-author emsg-blame--commit-date emsg-blame--commit-summary)
:timeout 5
:max-width 30
:left-fringe 5
:right-fringe 5
:position (point)
:poshandler #'posframe-poshandler-frame-top-right-corner
:border-width 5;; 外边框大小
:border-color "#ed98cc" ;; 边框颜色
(setq emsg-blame-display #'my--emsg-blame-display)
If you already use the echo area to display similar messages (e.g., eldoc), you can display the blame information right-aligned, and preserve the existing messages as long as there is enough space. The function below also propertizes the blame message with Magit-style faces for the commit author and date.
(defun my--emsg-blame-display ()
"Display git blame message, right-aligned with Magit-style faces.
If another message is already being displayed, display both messages unless they
do not both fit in the echo area."
(let* ((message-log-max nil) ; prevent messages from being logged to *Messages*
(cur-msg (or (current-message) ""))
(blm-msg (format "%s %s %s "
(propertize emsg-blame--commit-author 'face 'error)
(propertize emsg-blame--commit-date 'face 'warning)))
(available-width (max 0 (- (frame-width) (string-width cur-msg) 1)))
(blm-msg-width (string-width blm-msg))
(padding (max 0 (- available-width blm-msg-width)))
(rev-blm-msg (concat (make-string padding ?\s) blm-msg)))
(if (> blm-msg-width available-width)
(message blm-msg)
(message (concat cur-msg rev-blm-msg)))))
(setq emsg-blame-display #'my--emsg-blame-display)
I think you already understand!
commit info variable:
- emsg-blame–commit-author
- emsg-blame–commit-date
- emsg-blame–commit-summary
- emsg-blame–commit-head
The behavior of emsg-blame can be customized using the following variables:
emsg-blame-background Type: boolean
Default: t
Description: Toggle highlight all lines with the same commit information use `overlay` background color.
emsg-blame-background-color Default: nil , It is recommended to keep the default nil.
Description: If set to a color value (e.g., hex code or color name), it will be used as the background color for overlays that highlight differences. If set to nil, the default `hl-line` background color will be used instead.
emsg-blame-idle-time Type: number
Default: 0.5
Description: Specifies the time in seconds of idle before showing Git blame information. Adjust this to control how quickly the blame information is displayed after the cursor is idle.
emsg-blame-date-format Type: string
Default: “%Y-*%m-%d”
Description: Defines the format for displaying the commit date. You can customize this using standard format-time-string patterns.
emsg-blame-data-pretty Type: boolean
Default: t
Description: Toggle between pretty (relative) time display and absolute time display. When set to t, relative time (e.g., “5 minutes ago”) is shown. When set to nil, the exact commit date is displayed.
emsg-blame-display Type: function or nil
Default: #’emsg-blame–display-message
Description: Function used to display the blame information. You can provide a custom function to handle the display of the blame information, or set this to nil to use the default display function.
(setq emsg-blame-i18n-date-now "当前"
emsg-blame-i18n-date-min "%s 分钟前"
;; hour, day, month, year
;; .......
(setq emsg-blame-i18n-date-now "à l'instant"
emsg-blame-i18n-date-min "il y a %d minutes"
;; hour, day, month, year
;; .......
The emsg-blame package requires Git to be installed and accessible from Emacs.
Non-ASCII filenames are supported, but filenames with non-ASCII characters may not be handled correctly in all environments.
For more information and updates, please visit the project repository.
Pull requests are welcome.
If you want to add new features, please discuss them in issues first to avoid wasting your precious time.
- GitHub - Artawower/blamer.el: A git blame plugin for emacs inspired by VS Cod…
- GitHub - emacs-sideline/sideline-blame: Show blame messages with sideline
feat: Add support highlight all lines with the same commit information.