This project was rewritten & rebranded as IcySnex/Musify. All development & support will go to the new project. This code was written by me when I just started learning C#, thus it is not very readable nor efficient. I would suggest not using this any longer.
SpotiDown is an app that is designed to download music from Spotify & YouTube directly to the local drive.
SpotiDown uses the Spotify Web API/YouTube API to get all track Infos (Title, Artist, Artwork etc...). Then the app searches for the tracks on YouTube and downloads them with all meta data including fetched lyrics from
SpotiDown doesnt show any ads, supports Albums, Playlist, Tracks and is completely free to use. Please note that downloading copyright songs may be illegal in your country. SpotiDown is not responsible for any damages, this is for educational purposes only!
Windows v2.0 / Android v1.0.1 (Out of Support)
If you try to launch the application and nothing happens, please make sure you have installed .net 6.0-desktop and also at least WindowsAppSDK 1.0.1.
Please notice: Development for the mobile app has been discontinued. I am no longer working on the android version, instead the Windows version is in focus.