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Emulator Testing

Tom Clarke edited this page Feb 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

Expecto and FsCheck cannot be used under FABLE, however all emulator project files will run under dotnet core. Therefore emulator project (and add-on to this) files can be tested with a dotnet core project that includes the emulator sources and additional modules.

branch hlp2019-test of the repo contains a subdirectory hlp2019-test with such a project hlp2019-test/addons/addons.fsproj) set up. The emulator sources are linked from the main Visual2 repo emulator source directory. Additional add-on modules can be included in this under directory hlp2019-test/addons

This structure allows the emulator (with add-ons as needed) to be tested under dotnet core whilst simultaneously Visual2 can be tested under FABLE. If/when add-ons modules need to be integrated in Visual2 that will require:

  • move add-on source files from hlp2019-test/addons to src/emulator
  • change addons.fsproj to reflect this by linking the moved file (it is easiest to edit the fsproj file directly with a text editor)
  • change emulator.fsproj to add in the addon files that have become emulator core

After this change the add-ons - with associated emulator-level tests - can still be tested from addons, They can also be run and tested in an ad-hoc fashion as part of Visual2 under FABLE.

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