loc is a simple tool comparing the number of lines of code in your Node.js
application vs. the number of lines of code in your node_modules
This tool was developed by the team at Intrinsic,
in order to shed light on how much code you are trusting in your Node.js
In your application folder execute the following command: npx @intrinsic/loc
Example output:
_) | _) _)
| __ \ __| __| | __ \ __| | __|
| | | | | | | |\__\ | (
_|_| _|\__|_| _|_| _|___/_|\___|
Your application code: 835 lines ( 0.52%)
`node_modules` code: 159,149 lines (99.48%)
Want to learn more? https://intrinsic.com/
Need help or have a question? Contact [email protected]