Pumpy3 allows you to control your Harvard syringe pump from your computer over an RS-232 interface using python 3. Adapted from the original pumpy project by tomwphillips and ported to python 3.
Harvard PHD 2000 Harvard PHD Ultra
- set pump volume
- set pump diameter
- set infuse and withdraw rate
- set target volumes
- wait until target volume
- Python 3 (tested: 3.6.10)
- pyserial
- Computer with RS232 port or adapter to USB
- Just download the pump class
# import class
from pump import Chain, Pump
# Initialise chain
chain1 = Chain("COM1")
chain2 = Chain("COM2", baudrate=9600)
# Initialise pumps
# Initialise Ultra pump with address = 0
pump1 = Pump(chain1)
# Initialise PHD 2000 with address = 2
pump2 = Pump2000(chain2, address=2)
pump1.setsyringevolume(500, "u")
pump1.setinfusionrate(100, "u/m")
pump1.setwithdrawrate(100, "u/m")
pump1.settargetvolume(droplet_volume, "u")
- PHD2000 will only take notice of target volumes when it has been put into volume mode using the keypad.
- PHD2000 sometimes won't wait until infusion/withdrawal is finished.