v1.0.0: Submission to NAR Webserver Issue
Speed Improvements
[performance ] Replace retrieval of all event documents with aggregations #226
General Enhancements
[enhancement ] Use requirements.txt in Docker build #255
[enhancement ] Add helpful descriptions, tooltips etc #248
[enhancement ] Remove interaction limit input field #246
[enhancement ] Show actual number of table pages #243
[enhancement ] Add the publication date to the index #233
[bug ][enhancement ] Update argument1 and argument2 index fields with FamPlex, HGNC and equal name aggregate IDs #222
[enhancement ] (re)add fields for ES aggregations to index #208
[enhancement ] Update to ElasticSearch 7.17.8. #197
[enhancement ] Integrate GO -> gene mapping #187
[enhancement ] Integrate HGNC -> gene ID mapping #186
Bug Fixes
[bug ] Fix download crash for fulltext-only data #253
[bug ] Make copy button for download link work on Windows #249
[bug ] Normalize interaction arguments in Excel sheet argument statistics #245
[bug ] Reset retrieval of unary events in new session #236
[bug ] Investigate AKT search behavior #227
[bug ] Update concept manager for gene ontology correction #225
[bug ] Fix download button on the new ResultDownload page #217
[bug ] Take care to avoid AGGREGATE_EQUAL_NAMES nodes when fetching geneInfo #194
Miscellaneous Changes
[closed ] Integrate UniProt Accession or Mnemomic -> NCBI Gene ID mapping #120
[closed ] Integrate ID mapping #117
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