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Gene database

SchSascha edited this page Nov 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

We use a gene database that enlists all genes known to GePi. The database also includes information about homology between those genes. Each gene and each homology group are given unique IDs. Those are also used for the database (an ElasticSearch index) holding the document event analysis. This is achieved by exporting ID mapping files from the gene database and using those mapping files in the semedico-app. Further information in the internal Julie lab wiki:

Since several neo4j instances may run on our JULIE LAB servers, neo4j for GePi shall always use http port 7575 and https port 7573. The user specific file of the semedico-resource-management has to bo adapted accordingly. This can be done in the GePi folder /data/gepi/ on the JULIE Lab servers.

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