This release sees quite a few bug fixes and streamline in various components.
Most importantly, there are a few new components:
: Reads annotations from external sources and adds them to the CAS. Helpful for the integration of annotations that could not be created from within UIMA.jcore-db-checkpoint-ae
: This is a JeDIS component. It helps to set checkpoints within a pipeline that are stored in the database and thus provide collection processing progression information. This component can also mark the end of a pipeline, setting documents that have reached this point in a pipeline tois_processed
and removing theis_in_process
: Allows to read the original format used for the data of the BioCreative II Gene Mention challenge.jcore-bc2gmformat-writer
writes CAS annotation in the BC2GM format.jcore-lingscope-ae
wraps the Lingscope code as a UIMA AE. The component needs to be further configured regarding which models to use, possibly requiring downloads from the original project. One concrete configuration has been made available for JCoRe in the jcore-projects repository.jcore-mutationfinder-ae
wraps the MutationFinder algorithm as a UIMA component. Finds single point gene mutations via regular expressions in text and normalizes them.jcore-ppd-writer
writes CAS annotation data into the piped format (that is, tokens that are annotated with meta data, separated by the pipe character: The|DET blue|ADJ house|NN.|.). This format is used be the JNET named entity recognizer for training.