Final project of a course made with Django. In this project, the challenge was to create something similar to a portfolio of operations. Where the user enters his trades and can view the summary of his stock portfolio and trade history.
Technologies used in the project.
- Python version 3.8.5
- Django version 3.1.4
- Jinja Format
- Bootstrap 4
- Postgres Alpine (Imagem Docker) 13.2
- Docker 20.10.4
- Github
You will need some libs to run the project. Applications will be on file requeriments.txt.
To install the requirements, just run in the terminal:
$ pip install -r requeriments.txt
ATTENTION: Consider being in the same folder as 'requirements.txt'.
If you use virtual environment (recommended):
- Install the virtual environment:
$python3 -m venv myvenv
- Start the environment. Be careful to put the correct path to the file:
$ source ./myvenv/bin/activate
- After cloning the repository, install the dependencies with the file 'requirements.txt':
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Consider the previous steps in the PIP session.
- Your database must be synchronized. To do this, create a Postgree database called homebroke, make sure it is on port 5432 and configure the rest of the information according to your environment.
- Once the database is connected, enter the command in the terminal:
$ python migrate
You must be at the same directory level as the file. If there is a problem, try running these two commands below in the terminal:
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
- Now with the database connected and all the tables created, start the server:
$ python runserver
If you are using it, make sure you have the virtual environment running and in the same folder as the file.
Upon accessing the server link, you will see the HOME page for unlogged in users.
Create an account in the respective session. Enter user and investor data.
Then, LOGIN with the registered user data.
Now we can view HOME for logged in users. Note the new options released in nav-bar as much as the summary of operations and investor information.
With the user logged in, register your operations and specify whether it is a purchase or sale.
You can also view your operations (their history).
- Suggestions:
- in HOME: You can insert graphics as a dashoard.
- HOME: Format average price data.
- HOME: The calculations were made with an erroneous logic. For example: In Summary of Operations, all instances per action are added, but there is a contradiction here as some actions have bought and sold operations, there is no added value bought with the same sold.
- Add more information for investor and/or user
- Add functionality to change and delete operations.
- Create a "public" page to rank investors by number of operations, higher amounts invested, etc.
- Repository:
- In case of doubts or suggestions, feel free to get in touch and/or request pull requests.
- Carlos Augusto M: @Jackie098 (