This is a set of simple games related to numbers.
To install the game on Linux, press Alt + Ctrl + T and enter Make package-install
Enter make brain-even
in terminal to play "Even-odd"
This ascii demonstrates the installation of games and the launch of the game "Even-Odd": https://asciinema.org/a/SqZKdMwO14G9bxOtegGd6GKEA
Enter make brain-calc
to play "Calculator"
Ascii game "Calculator": https://asciinema.org/a/oDvd2aqzRFf70789t9i0tuKcn
Enter make brain-gcd
to play "Greatest common divisor"
Ascii game "Greatest common divisor": https://asciinema.org/a/YgfEtcV4N8n2wkzl64Mr6h6jY
Enter make brain-progression
to play "Arithmetic progression"
Ascii game "Arithmetic progression": https://asciinema.org/a/hVcbbsZoTM51mfaF8CyMwrgd4
Enter make brain-prime
to play "Simple number or no?"
Ascii game "Simple number or no?": https://asciinema.org/a/gS9FPB6LBPwVGlA7dq9CUTW2Z